
Can Diet Therapy Help Patients Decrease Creatinine Level

Nearly all patients with Kidney Failure are concerning about one problem that whether diet therapy can help them decrease high creatinine (serum creatinine) level. In other words, what they eat will help decrease creatinine level. To figure out this problem, we should know how the creatinine produces first.

How Does the Creatinine Produce?

Can Aerobic Exercise Decrease Creatinine Levels in Urine

Creatinine mainly comes from the muscle metabolites, which means creatinine is the product of body muscle metabolism. A small amount of creatinine comes from food what we eat, especially meat.

Why Should Patients with Kidney Failure Decrease High Creatinine Level?

As above mentioned, creatinine is the metabolin. It means that creatinine is the waste product and toxin. High level of creatinine, to some extent, indicates the deposition of too much waste or toxin in blood.

Can High Creatinine Levels 7.6 be Decreased Naturally

Normally, creatinine can be removed from body through glomeruli along with the urine. However, the kidneys of patients with Kidney Failure fail to discharge creatinine due to the severe kidney impairment. In this condition, patients are always seeking effective methods to decrease high creatinine level. Hence, patients wonder whether diet therapy can help decrease this level.

Can Diet Therapy Help Decrease High Creatinine Level?

As above mentioned, a small creatinine comes from food we eat. That is to say whatever we eat will produce waste and then cause the increase of creatinine. We can say that less creatinine will be produced after patients eat vegetables, while relatively more creatinine will be produced after patients eat meat.

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We can see diet therapy cannot help decrease high creatinine level fundamentally. However, they can take food that produce less creatinine. What really counts is that patients with Kidney Failure should make their damaged kidneys treated. And then high creatinine level will decrease accordingly.

If you have any question, you are welcome to consult us on website. Or email  pkdclinic888@hotmail.com We will try our best to help you.

Supply Protein or Limit Protein

One of clinical symptoms of Chronic Nephritis is the protein in urine, which presents "+" in the qualitative test of proteinuria. And the quantity of protein in urine can be tested in the proteinuria test/ 24hs. It is necessary for patients to make their urine protein improved in case of kidney damage or Kidney Failure. Well then, how to improve the protein in urine?

Patients, especially, patients with Nephrotic Syndrome may present severe edema and hypoproteinemia due to the loss of a lot of protein in urine. In this condition, some patients will ask food for help, which means that they take a great deal of food rich in high protein so as to supply the lost protein.Breaking the vicious circle of high creatinine, protein and urine acid with natural treatment

The other diet management method is to limit the intake of food with protein. Patients experiencing the loss of amount of urine protein will not take food rich in protein; meanwhile, they can take proper quantities of food with high-quality protein (fish, eggs or milk).

Which method is thought to be more reasonable? According to the clinical practices, the latter is more reasonable. That is to say, taking low-protein food contributes to decreasing the loss of protein. To the contrary, taking more food rich in protein will aggravate the loss of protein, which will lead to the worsening of their disease.

When blood flows through the kidneys, glomerular basement membrane will filtrate waste products from blood. And them waste products will be discharged along with the urine.Urine Protein 4.37g Decreased to Normal Level with Chinese Medicine

However, protein is macromolecular substance that cannot be filtrated by glomerular basement membrane. When Chronic Nephritis occurs, the glomerular basement membrane cannot prevent the leak of protein into urine due to the increased interstice of basement membrane. In this condition, taking too much protein will burden patients' kidneys. This is why patients are not recommended to take food rich in high-protein.

In conclusion, patients experiencing loss of protein in urine are recommended to limit taking food rich in protein. If necessary, patients are allowed to take food with high-quality.Creatinine Level and Protein Urine Got Improved in There

Apart from reasonable diet, patients are recommended to make their damaged glomerular basement membrane repaired. If so, the protein will not leak into urine. To prevent the occurrence of Kidney Failure, patients experiencing urine protein should make this condition controlled.

Any question, you are welcome to consult us on website for free. Or email kidneyservice@hotmail.com   We will try to help you.

Pay High Attention to the Acute Nephritis in Children

Nephritis in Children refers to one kind of autoimmune disease, which commonly occurs in 1-4 weeks after the infection of streptococcus. Generally, the Acute Nephritis will present some symproms, such as mild edema in eyelid, black urine within 2-3 weeks after catching a cold. Children may present high blood pressure, low heat, dizziness, inappetence and nausea. If so, parents should pay attention to the occurrence of the Acute Nephritis in their child. If it occurs, parents should bring them to see a doctor to make the disease treated.Diet Changes for a Person with Acute Glomerulonephritis

However, some parents neglect the disease since they thought the early symptoms of Acute Nephritis is the upper respiratory tract. Without timely treatment, the Acute Nephritis may progress to Chronic Nephritis and even Kidney Failure. Some children even present generalized edema, very high blood pressure, oliguria and heart failure.

In this condition, nephrologist suggest that children had better have a rest in the bed within 1-2 weeks after the onset of the disease, which can help decrease energy consumption, lessen heart burden, improve the blood circulation of kidneys and prevent cardiac insufficiency.

Once the edema is relieved, children can have a walk outdoors. Meanwhile, children are recommended to take low-salt food and sugary food. The majority of children can recover completely.Kidney Cyst Causes Acute Pyelonephritis

Besides, parents should help children take a bath and make children's skin clean in case of the occurrence of pustule.

The prevention of the infection of streptococcus, such as cold and pharyngitis is important to prevent the occurrence of the Acute Nephritis.

Parents should check whether the colour of their children's urine changes, whether there are more bubble in their urine and whether the urine volume decreases. If these conditions occur, parents should make the urine tested.

In conclusion, parents should pay high attention to the occurrence of the Acute Nephritis in their children. Once it occurs, parents should make their children receive timely treatment in case of the occurrence of severe kidney damage or Kidney Failure.Can Chronic Nephritis Patients Drink Honey

Any question, you can consult us on website. Or email pkdclinic888@hotmail.com   We will try our best to help you.

Surviving Renal Function during Hemodialysis

I have written about the urine output during hemodialysis indicating surviving renal function of patients who have Chronic Renal Failure and are taking hemodialysis. What is surviving renal function? It refers to surviving filtration function and endocrine function of kidney tissues after kidneys are damaged. Maintaining surviving renal function can help patients get the chance to get rid of dialysis. Then I am going to explain.Recommendation for Hemodialysis Patients with High Creatinine Level

Patients may have 10% glomerular filtration rate (GFR), when Chronic Renal Failure develops into Uremia. 10%GFR is quite lower than that of healthy people, but for patients who are taking hemodialysis, 10% GFR has great significance. If patients with about 20ml/min creatinine clearance rate (CCR) have normal urine output, they can get rid of hemodialysis and have normal life. Therefore, although the creatinine clearance rate (CCR) of the patients who begin to take hemodialysis goes down to approximately 10ml/ min, there is 50% renal function compared to 20ml/min. If patients can take effective treatment at first stage of hemodialysis, they are likely to be far from hemodialysis.Is Blackberry Good for Patients on Hemodialysis

In addition, kidney is an important endocrinal organ, so surviving glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and creatinine clearance rate (CCR) play a role in maintaining nutrition condition of patients on hemodialysis and regulating acidosis as well as eliminating metabolic products especially some substances that hemodialysis can not clear. To research on 300 cases of patients who constantly taking hemodialysis for three years, we get a result presenting that how much the urine output and survival rate fit a normal distribution, which means that the more urine output and the longer lasing time are, the higher long-term survival rate is.The Average Lifespan for Patients on Hemodialysis

Patients who are taking hemodialysis or are preparing to take hemodialysis try their best to find effective treatment and cooperate with it, they may get well soon. Have confidence and we are here waiting for helping you. If you have any questions, you can feel free to contact me by MSN: kidneyservice@hotmail.com


Сексуальная жизнь и диализ

Может Пациенты, которые проходят диализ половую жизнь? Это общий вопрос, который мы часто встречаемся. Как правило, пациенты с 4-й стадии почечной недостаточности будет иметь гипосексуальность, так как гипофиз не может принимать сигналы от яичек и яичников производить половые гормоны. А у пациентов с терминальной стадией почечной недостаточности часто имеют импотенцию и бесплодие у мужчин, преждевременную менопаузу у женщин и низкий или вовсе отсутствует половое влечение у обоих полов. Кроме того, большинство пациентов с терминальной стадией почечной недостаточности, анемия, что является еще одним негативное влияние на либидо.

Once On Kidney Dialysis Can You Stop
 Большое количество токсинов и избыточной воды могут быть выгружены, когда пациенты просто начинают принимать диализ, таким образом, чтобы физическая функция может вернуться к нормальному уровню, который будет сопровождаться нормальной физиологической потребности. Тем не менее, это условие будет меняться в течение длительного срока диализа. В целом, у пациентов мужского пола более, которые принимают диализ будут иметь дальнейшее снижение половой функции, чем у пациентов женского пола. Лишь небольшая часть пациентов мужского пола, а также пациенты женского пола улучшит их сексуальную функцию.

Is It Possiable to Reduce High Creatinine Level 5.8 Without Dialysis
 Я должен сказать, что у пациентов с диализом может попросить врачей или медсестер, могут ли они иметь половую жизнь, которая зависела от состояния здоровья. Но, если они не хотят говорить со своими врачами или медсестрами, они должны помнить, что у пациентов с терминальной стадией почечной недостаточности может иметь меньше энергии и токсины и отходы могут накапливаться в организме на не-диализных дней. Они должны контролировать его в умеренных количествах. Если они чувствуют усталость, то лучше, чтобы остановить его.

How To Reduce High Creatinine Level 17 Without Dialysis

 Кроме того, есть микро-китайской медицины Осмотерапия и стволовых клеток Пересадка в нашей больнице, которая может быть эффективным способом лечения для восстановления функции почек, чтобы иметь относительную нормальную жизнь. Если у вас есть какие-либо вопросы, вы можете связаться со мной по MSN: chinakidneyhospital@gmail.com

Sexual Life and Dialysis

Can Patients who undergo dialysis have sexual life? This is a common question we often meet. Generally, patients with stage 4 Renal Failure will have hyposexuality, because the pituitary gland can not receive the signals from testes and ovaries to produce sex hormones. And patients with end stage Renal Failure often have impotence and infertility in men, premature menopause in women, and low or totally absent sex drive in both genders. In addition, most patients with end stage Renal Failure have anemia, which is another negative influence on libido.

Once On Kidney Dialysis Can You Stop
Large amount of toxins and excessive water can be discharged when patients just begin to take dialysis, so that physical function may return to normal level, which will be accompanied with normal physiological requirement. However, this condition will change during long term dialysis. In general, more male patients who are taking dialysis will have further decline of sexual function than that of female patients. Only a small part of male patients as well as female patients will improve their sexual function.

Is It Possiable to Reduce High Creatinine Level 5.8 Without Dialysis

I should say that patients with dialysis can ask physicians or nurses whether they can have sexual life, which is depended on the medical condition. But, if they do not want to talk with their physicians or nurses, they must remember that patients with end stage Renal Failure may have less energy and toxins and waste can accumulate in body on non-dialysis days. They must control it in moderation. If they feel tired, it is better to stop it.

How To Reduce High Creatinine Level 17 Without Dialysis

Besides, there are Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Stem Cells Transplant in our hospital, which may be an effective treatment to repair your renal function to have relative normal life. If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact me by MSN:  chinakidneyhospital@gmail.com


Disadvantage and Complication of Kidney Transplant

In western medicine, besides dialysis, kidney transplant, a kind of replacement therapy, becomes the main treatment of end stage Renal Failure. Successful kidney transplant can let patients with end stage Renal Failure avoid dialysis, and provide more than 10 times function than that of dialysis. What’s more, compared to patients on dialysis, patients who have taken successful kidney transplant have less limit and higher quality of life. And most patients will feel better and stronger than that when they are taking dialysis. But, I should say kidney transplant has some disadvantages and complications.

● Disadvantages of kidney transplant

① To find out the matched kidney is sophisticated, and there are various examinations during this procedure.Looking for New Treatment Instead of Kidney Transplant

② Although the kidney matches to patients with Renal Failure, the donor’s physical condition still needs to be check up to ensure that there is no infection and other disease in donor’ body.

③ Patients who accept kidney transplant should take immunosuppressive drugs all their’ lives to prevent graft rejection. Besides, these drugs have side effects, which can enhance the risk of infection, virus, and tumor.

④ Kidney transplant may not sustain treatment effect forever, and some patients need kidney transplant for two or more times. Nevertheless, if patients have kidney transplant failure, they have to come back to dialysis and wait for another kidney transplant.Alternative to Kidney Transplant for PKD, Creatinine 8.9 and Renal Parenchymal Disease

● Complications of kidney transplant

① Some patients have irreversible chronic graft rejection.

② Drug toxicity, potential relapse of kidney disease, side effect of prednisone and infection.

③ Patients have higher risk of cancer after taking kidney transplant, and the morbidity of epithelioma is 10-15 times higher than that of normal people. The morbidity of Lymphoma is about 30 times higher than normal people.How to Lower Creatinine 1.8 After Kidney Transplant

Kidney transplant is just a temporal treatment of end stage Renal Failure. However, we should believe that depending on the development of medical science and technology, there is some other treatment such as Stem Cells Transplant which can treat Renal Failure without any side effect. If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact me by MSN: pkdclinic888@hotmail.com


How to Prevent Chronic Nephritis from Progressing to Kidney Failure

No matter what type of Nephritis, it will progress to Kidney Failure without effective treatment. Once Kidney Failure occurs, it is more difficult to treat it. In this condition, the prevention of Kidney Failure progressed by Chronic Nephritis is very important. Patients with Chronic Nephritis had better make their diseases treated in the early stage.

The key to to prevent the Chronic Kidney Failure is to prevent the occurrence of the factors that may Cause Kidney Failure:
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1. Infection or Cold

Nephritis is one kind of immune disease, which is always caused by infection or cold. When the foreign antigen enters into human body, antibody in body will combine with the foreign antigen and then form immune complex. These immune complex will flow through the kidneys with the blood and then deposit in the glomerular, which will destroy the glomerular permeability and then cause the leak of albumin and erythrocyte. In the progress of Chronic Nephritis, the occurrence of each infection or cold will make their disease aggravate. Hence, to prevent the Chronic Nephritis, patients should get rid of infection or cold by doing proper exercise.

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 2. Unreasonable Diet:

After the Chronic Nephritis occurs, the damaged glomerular filtration membrance is damaged. If patients take a lot of high-protein food, their kidneys will be burdened further. In this condition, the kidneys cannot have a rest and then cannot be repaired well. It is necessary for patients control the intake of high-protein food and they can take some food with animal protein with the permission of their doctor.

3. Renal Toxic Medicines:

The majority of medicines will be discharged through the kidneys. However, some medicines will damage the kidneys, which is called renal toxic drugs. If patients take the renal toxic drugs, they are more likely to suffer from Kidney Failure gradually. To get rid of experiencing Kidney Failure, patients should not take these renal toxic drugs, such as gentamicin, kantrex and caulis aristolochiae manshuriensis.

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Apart from these factors, patients should control their blood pressure well.

In conclusion, patients with Chronic Nephritis should get rid of infection or cold, watch their diet, keep away from renal toxic drugs and prevent the occurrence of hypertension so as to prevent the progressing of Chronic Nephritis to Kidney Failure.

If you have any question, you are welcome to consult us on our website. Or email  kidneyservice@hotmail.com   We will try to help you.


Can Patients with Kidney Failure Drink Coffee

Coffee becomes one of the most popular beverage in modern life. More and more people would like to drink one cup of coffee in the morning to keep up their spirits. Of course, many people love its mellow taste. Drinking coffee occasionally is good to healthy people. However, it is not good to patients with Kidney Failure. Many patients with Kidney Failure are not recommended to drink coffee.

What ever patients with Kidney Failure drink, they should keep in mind that anything they drink should not burden their kidneys or even damage the kidneys.Will a Cup of Coffee Each Day Accelerate PKD

According to the research, caffeine can be decomposed by enzymes. More enzymes used to decompose caffeine, less enzymes used to decompose other chemical substance. In this condition, drinking coffee often will decrease the function of kidneys to remove toxins from body. For patients with Kidney Failure, coffee is not suitable for them.

Besides, drinking coffee may influence the sleep duration. People may wake up in the night. Some experts point that the body can be repaired by itself. Drinking more coffee may prevent their body from repairing.Will Taking Coffee Daily Increases Creatinine Levels

The essential oil in coffee will destroy the function of blood vessels, and then destroy the immune system.

We can see that drinking coffee may damage the kidneys and cannot contribute to patients' recovery. Hence, patients with Kidney Failure are not recommended to drink coffee.

Apart from coffee, patients with Kidney Failure are not recommended to smoke and drink beer.What Can PKD Drink as Substitute for Coffee

More information about diet for patients with Kidney Failure are introduced on our website. If you have any question, you are welcome to consult us on our website. Or email pkdclinic888@hotmail.com  More advice will be provided to you according to your own condition.

Blood Sugar in Dialysis

Dialysis can remove the excessive wastes and toxins from the metabolism in human body, which should be taken by patients with end stage of Renal Failure. However, dialysis does not treat Renal Failure once and for all, and what’s more, some complications during dialysis will occur now and then. Hypoglycemia (low level of blood sugar) is a common complication of dialysis, which can result in hunger, palpitation, sweating and tremor. In order to effectively prevent low blood sugar occurring during dialysis, there are some influencing factors of the fluctuation of blood sugar.

● when patients have Renal Failure, their kidneys can not adequately inactivate insulin, yet the activity of insulin receptor will go up after dialysis, which lead to increased reactivity to insulin, so there will be quite a number of low blood sugar occurring in the patients on dialysis who do not have Diabetes Mellitus.How to Control Blood Sugar for IgA Nephropathy Patients

● When there is edema which is accompanying with increased extracellular fluid, the dimension of glucose distribution will become bigger, so blood sugar decreases then.

● When patients can not pass urine, blood sugar can not be excreted by kidney, which can cause blood sugar to increase.

● Sometimes, dialysis can not eliminate insulin thoroughly, so patients with Diabetic Nephropathy is easily to have slow blood sugar after dialysis.Foods to Eat and Avoid for PKD Patients with High Blood Sugar

● Patients with Renal Failure often have complication of digestive tract, which results in the instability of energy intake, thus the fluctuation of blood sugar will be obvious.

● When patients are taking dialysis, the regulation ability of reflection to low blood sugar will turn to weak.

● Old patients have higher risk of low blood sugar than that of younger patients.
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Severe low blood sugar can lead to irreversible damage on brain function, and induce cerebrovascular accident. However, nearly 50% patients may not have any subjective symptom during dialysis, so it should be paid much attention to to avoid low blood sugar during dialysis. According to different medical condition of patients, to make individual therapeutic scheme plays a vital role. If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact me by MSN:kidneyservice@hotmail.com

Onion a Gift for Kidney Disease

In 19th century, it is said that Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo, and a large quantity of horses carrying on all the weapons marched forward accompanying with constantly rain. What’ worse, horses were sick in their way one by one. Reluctantly, the leader brought these horses into country hotel. However, the hotel could not accommodate all the horses. Therefore, some horses were put into storeroom where there were many onions. Miracle happened, at the second day, the horses which in the storeroom could stand up. That is because these horses had heart disease for long-term war, and ate the onions in the storeroom, and they are cured. Whether you believe the story or not, oninon is a real good food for us as well as the kidney disease patients.Onion a Gift for Kidney Disease Can Chronic Kidney Failure Patients Eat Onion

Low in potassium, onions are good for the patients with kidney disease and they contain chromium, a mineral that assists your body with the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.Onions can reduce blood sugar, because it has a certain organic matter which can irritate body to secret some element which has powerful diuretic effect. Onions are rich in flavonoids, particularly quercetin. Flavonoids are natural chemicals that prevent the deposit of fatty material in blood vessels and add pigmentation (color) to plants. Quercetin is a powerful antioxidant that is believed to help reduce heart disease and protect against many forms of cancer. It also has anti-inflammatory properties.Is It OK to Eat Onion with High Creatinine Level

Since onions are full of nutrition, patients with kidney disease may consider them as their alternative healthy food. Let's shake a leg!

If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact me by MSN: kidneyservice@hotmail.com


Nutrition Guidance for Patients on Hemodialysis (Ⅰ)

In clinic, hemodialysis is primarily applied to the patients with end stage Chronic Renal Failure. Suffering from the torture of hemodialysis which is accompanied with bad controlled diet can easily result in malnutrition during hemodialysis. Thus to regulate the diet for patients on hemodialysis is very important approach to supply the essential nutrition and enhance the immunity. There are some principles of the diet for patients on hemodialysis.

ⅠProtein in diet: Patients with end stage Chronic Renal Failure have severe medical condition and just start to take hemodialysis, the protein intake of which should not be less than 35g according to the standard that the intake of protein should range from 1g per one kg weight every day.

Hemodialysis for End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Treatment
Ⅱ Heat in diet: Generally, the intake of heat should range from 35~40kcal per one kg weight every day. And about one third of the heat should come from fat while more heat should be supplied by carbohydrate.

Ⅲ Mineral salt and vitamin in diet: Patients with Uremia often have high blood pressure and (or) hypernatremia, so the intake of sodium salt should be limited. At the same time, depending on the condition of electrolytes in the blood, the volume of potassium should be controlled in the diet. The patients with anuria on hemodialysis should reduce the ingestion of high potassium food. During the day of non-hemodialysis, the patients should strictly limit potassium; however, during the day of hemodialysis, the patients should prevent hypokalemia due to excessively clearing up potassium in the blood during hemodialysis. Since patients with end stage Chronic Renal Failure often have low level calcium in the blood and high level phosphorus, they should increase the intake of calcium and limit phosphorus intake.

How Does Diet Help for Hemodialysis Patients
Ⅳ Moisture in diet: The weight of patients on hemodialysis should not increase more than 1 kg and the dry weight should not be higher than 5% of that before.

Ⅴ Low fat and low cholesterol in diet: Animal viscera, yolk and animal oil should be limited. The intake of cholesterol should not be more than 0.3g every day.

Dietary Recommendations for Hemodialysis Patients

To carry on rational diet and to take effective treatment are an organic unity, which can promote the development of life quality of patients with end stage Chronic Renal Failure who are on hemodialysis. If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact me and I will try my best to help you. My MSN is: chinakidneyhospital@gmail.com


Wrong Diet for IgA Nephropathy

The symptoms of IgA Nephropathy are similar with that of other kidney diseases, which include proteinnuris, hematuria, high blood pressure and edema. However, IgA Nephropathy can develop to Renal Failure if the disease can not be well treated. There is a long way for the patients with IgA Nephropathy to go, and they should prepare to fight a long-drawn war. During long-term treatment, diet plays an important role. In traditional Chinese medicine, food can not only provide nutrition but also take effect on treating disease and food therapy is prevalent throughout greater China, but wrong choice of food can not benefit your health, but do harm to your body. Let me introduce some wrong diet for patients with IgA Nephropathy. How to Change blood Urine in IgA Nephropathy
Ⅰ low salt diet = no salt diet
In traditional Chinese medicine, there is a statement ‘salt comes into kidney’. to control the intake of salt is crucial important for patients with IgA Nephropathy especially for the patients who already have edema. On this condition, some patients are ‘afraid’ of salt so that they start to take no salt diet. In fact, no salt diet can lead to low serum sodium, low serum chloride, low blood pressure and muscle spasm.
Ⅱ vegetarian diet = low protein diet
Click here! How to Treat Your IgA Nephropathy?
Patients with IgA Nephropathy have low metabolic capacity of the kidney, and they need high quality protein. However, some patients misunderstand principle and consider vegetarian diet as low protein diet. Actually, protein includes two types: vegetable protein and animal protein. Since vegetable protein contains more limited essential amino acid and more potassium, it is not suitable for patients with IgA Nephropathy. However, animal protein contains more than 50% essential amino acid, so to choose animal protein is right.
Ⅲ bone broth = rich nutrition
How IgA Nephropathy Patients Prevent Kidney Failure?
Patients with IgA Nephropathy usually have metabolism disorder of calcium and phosphorus. Nausea, vomiting and poor appetite cause inadequate intake of calcium, what’s worse, damaged gastrointestinal function and hyperparathyroidism cause the calcium absorption from intestinal tract to decline. That is the reason why many patients with IgA Nephropathy consider bone broth as their secret recipe. However, they ignore that the damaged renal function can not excrete phosphorus and bone broth contains much phosphorus, which can aggravates hyperphosphatemia .
Although IgA Nephropathy is not as well-known as Renal Failure, statistics shows that IgA Nephropathy is the main cause of Renal Failure. Patients with IgA Nephropathy should avoid what I mentioned above, and pay close attention to diet as well as effective treatment. If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact me by MSN:kidneyservice@hotmail.com

Hamburger and Kidney Disease

What comes to your mind when you saw this topic? In general, we have all known for years that fast food such as hamburger is potentially linked to heart disease, obesity and depression, and you really do not need any other reasons to quit hamburger, no matter hamburger comes from USA or China. A new study has found that fast foods often contain phosphorus which can be deadly if you have kidney disease.Is Stage III Kidney Disease Reversible
People with stage 3 Chronic Renal Failure will have the manifestations of decreased calcium absorption and increased phosphorus accumulation in the blood, and to ingest much phosphorus can lead to heart disease, bone disease and even death. Since hamburger is loaded with phosphate salts to improve the taste and shelf life, it is obvious that people who have advanced kidney disease should not eat hamburger.
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In addition, there is no requirement to print phosphorous content on food labels, which leaves a lot of people in the dark. When people with kidney disease choose food in market, they should be more cautious of the food which is not labeled with the content. Dry Skin and kidney diseaseEven if you do not have kidney disease, you’d better to be far away from hamburger. If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact me by MSN: renal-disease@hotmail.com.


Wrong Diet for IgA Nephropathy

The symptoms of IgA Nephropathy are similar with that of other kidney diseases, which include proteinnuris, hematuria, high blood pressure and edema. However, IgA Nephropathy can develop to Renal Failure if the disease can not be well treated. There is a long way for the patients with IgA Nephropathy to go, and they should prepare to fight a long-drawn war. During long-term treatment, diet plays an important role. In traditional Chinese medicine, food can not only provide nutrition but also take effect on treating disease and food therapy is prevalent throughout greater China, but wrong choice of food can not benefit your health, but do harm to your body. Let me introduce some wrong diet for patients with IgA Nephropathy.

Ⅰ low salt diet = no salt diet

 How to Change blood Urine in IgA Nephropathy
In traditional Chinese medicine, there is a statement ‘salt comes into kidney’. to control the intake of salt is crucial important for patients with IgA Nephropathy especially for the patients who already have edema. On this condition, some patients are ‘afraid’ of salt so that they start to take no salt diet. In fact, no salt diet can lead to low serum sodium, low serum chloride, low blood pressure and muscle spasm.

Ⅱ vegetarian diet = low protein diet

 How to Improve Blood Urine in IgA Glomerulonephritis

Patients with IgA Nephropathy have low metabolic capacity of the kidney, and they need high quality protein. However, some patients misunderstand principle and consider vegetarian diet as low protein diet. Actually, protein includes two types: vegetable protein and animal protein. Since vegetable protein contains more limited essential amino acid and more potassium, it is not suitable for patients with IgA Nephropathy. However, animal protein contains more than 50% essential amino acid, so to choose animal protein is right.

Ⅲ bone broth = rich nutrition

Patients with IgA Nephropathy usually have metabolism disorder of calcium and phosphorus. Nausea, vomiting and poor appetite cause inadequate intake of calcium, what’s worse, damaged gastrointestinal function and hyperparathyroidism cause the calcium absorption from intestinal tract to decline. That is the reason why many patients with IgA Nephropathy consider bone broth as their secret recipe. However, they ignore that the damaged renal function can not excrete phosphorus and bone broth contains much phosphorus, which can aggravates hyperphosphatemia .Click here! How to Treat Your IgA Nephropathy?

Although IgA Nephropathy is not as well-known as Renal Failure, statistics shows that IgA Nephropathy is the main cause of Renal Failure. Patients with IgA Nephropathy should avoid what I mentioned above, and pay close attention to diet as well as effective treatment. If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact me by MSN: kidneyservice@hotmail.com


Dialysis is needed in end-stage Renal Failure

In western medicine, many people with end-stage Renal Failure are recommended to receive renal replacement therapy——dialysis which they are unwilling to face but have to suffer. Usually, patients who have to take dialysis are quite afraid of it, because many complications may encounter during dialysis. Some people do all they can to find alternative treatments, and there are really two treatments which can take place for dialysis to treat Renal Failure effectively, that is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Stem Cells Transplant. But I want to emphasize that dialysis has its crucial role in supporting the above two treatments towards the patients with end-stage Renal Failure.
Toxin-Removing Treatment Can Help You Stop Dialysis

Ⅰ Dialysis can eliminate the various wastes and toxins from metabolism, such as creatinine, urea, amine and phenols, etc. Therefore we can find the volume of creatinine in the blood quickly decreases.

Ⅱ Dialysis can regulate the equilibrium of water, so the symptom of edema will be relieved to some degree.

Ⅲ Dialysis can regulate acid-base balance.

Ⅳ Dialysis can adjust electrolyte balance, and the symptom of hyperkalemia will be improved.
Causes and Treatment of Blood Urine in Dialysis Patients

As we all know, dialysis is an imperfect treatment to replace kidney function because it does not correct the endocrine functions of the kidney and may cause some complications. All these dialysis treatment effects mentioned above combining with each other can provide a favorable environment for the applications of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Stem Cells Transplant and make them more effective, but it takes time to take effect for these treatments especially Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, thus dialysis may be necessary to bridge the time gap required.

People with Renal Failure who come into the end-stage may need dialysis first to stable the medical condition, and then take the combinative treatment of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Stem Cells Transplant for a period of time. People with end-stage Renal Failure may get the treatment effect which they expect one day.Alternatives to Dialysis in Using Chinese Method to Repair Kidney Cells

If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact me by MSN: kidneyservice@hotmail.com . I will try my best to help you and wish you healthy from my bottom of my heart.

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