
Chinese Medicine Treats Renal Disease

Chronic Kidney Disease usually happens without any obvious discomforts at the very beginning and it has a very concealing and slow progression. Chronic renal disease can be caused by many factors, for instance, high blood pressure, diabetes, medication, bad environment and external injury as well as massive bleeding. Many people can not figure out why these factors can cause impairment on kidneys. In Chinese Medicine, our body is regarded as an inseparable integrity, and there is close links among various organs. Therefore, the treatment of kidney disease should focus on the integral adjustment rather than only the symptoms.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for CKD
Kidneys include large amount of nephrons which has a heavy task to filtrate, reabsorb and secrete as well as regulate the balance of electrolyte in our whole life. These tasks are finished by various cells in kidneys; say epithelial cells, endothelial cells, mesangial cells etc. With the aggravation of renal condition, the blood vessels in kidneys can also get affected. Over time, kidneys will stay in ischemia and anoxia, which can cause those functional cells to suffer from nutrition insufficiency. And then these functional cells will become weak and inflammatory. Moreover, this inflammatory reaction will rev up the impairment of other healthy functional cells in kidneys. Therefore, more and more inherent functional cells will be unqualified to work. If no proper and prompt treatment, their condition will further deteriorate and even develop into End Stage Renal Disease(ESRD) at an unexpected speed.Can ESRD Patients on Dialysis Lose Bowel Control
To halt the progression of Chronic Kidney Disease, the first step is to control the inflammation and protect those inherent cells as well as create a clean environment for kidneys. How to solve the above problem? To figure out effective solution, we need to trace its original cause. As mentioned before, elevated blood pressure can frustrate various blood vessels in human body. Over time, blood vessels would shrink and malfunction to transit blood and nutrients, so blood vessels must be protected and dilated.
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Also damaged cells can result in inflammation, and the infiltration of inflammatory factors can exacerbate kidney problem. Besides, once kidneys encounter obstacles, blood viscosity will increase and extracellular matrix will proliferate. Based on these reasons, treatment can remit renal problems as long as it is qualified to dilate blood vessels, decrease inflammation, reduce coagulation and blood viscosity as well as degrade those proliferated extracellular matrix. Clinical cases prove that Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can achieve these efficacies, so it is regarded as a qualified treatment on renal disease.

Chronic kidney disease can affect children, young adults as well as old people. Patients usually show few symptoms in early stage, so they would think they are healthy. However, the truth is their renal function is progressively decreasing, which can be shown by lab tests. Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease must realize the severity of illness and the necessity of treatment. If you have doubts or confusion about this article, you can email to me.

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