
How to Reduce Protein in Urine for CKD

How to reduce protein in urine? Urine with a certain amount of protein in it can be called proteinuria, which shows foam and look yellow. Once people find out that there is foam in urine, they may be nervous and doubt whether they have got Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD) for proteinuria or urine which has protein is a typical symptom for patients with Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD). As a matter of fact, proteinuria or urine which has protein does not always stand for CKD. And in turn, most CKD patients have symptom of proteinuria.
We can also say that proteinuria or urine which has protein can be divided into several kinds or in other words can be caused by several factors. The first factor is physical proteinuria or urine which has protein. It is caused by long time standing, working hard, taking exercise, and so on. This kind of proteinuria or urine which has protein is just for the time being and will disappear soon. However, in the following cases, proteinuria (Proteinuria and Kidney Disease) or urine which has protein can also appear. Firstly, primary renal glomerular nephritis can cause proteinuria or urine which has protein. Secondly, the second stage and the third stage of Diabetic Nephropathy may also cause proteinuria or urine which has protein. Thirdly, when Hypertensive Nephropathy develops into serious stage, there will also be proteinuria or urine which has protein. Even though people are diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD), it is not necessary to be so worried and anxious for as long as we take effective measures timely, proteinuria or urine which has protein can be controlled and even be controlled for ever. Symptoms of Stage 3 Kidney Failure in Diabetics
Why does proteinuria or urine which has protein come into being? What’s the reason for proteinuria or urine which has protein. Normally, only small molecules such as toxins,creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, urea acid and so on can leak out from the pore of renal glomerular filtration membrane. Big molecules such as albumin can not pass through. However, when kidney is damaged, renal glomerular filtration membrane can also be damaged and the pore becomes bigger, so proteins such as albumin will leak out into urine, thus forming proteinuria or urine which has protein.
How to reduce protein in urine? Generally, there are mainly two methods which can reduce protein in urine. In western countries, hormones and immunosuppressive agent can be applied to control the protein in urine. Indeed, protein in urine can reduce gradually and even diminish. These medicines focus on diminishing symptoms and once patients suffer from infection such as catching a cold, symptoms such as proteinuria or urine which has protein will occur again. They have to receive treatment again. Damaged kidney becomes more and more serious. Vicious circle comes into being, which makes patents with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) feel headache and want to find out a new therapy which can reduce protein in urine fundamentally.There is Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital.
Micro-Chinese Medicine can repair the damaged intrinsic cells such as renal glomerular filtration membrane, thus stopping the leak out of protein forever. In addition, there are many nutritious materials which can improve the insufficiency of blood and oxygen. What’s more, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has no side effect, and will not lead to more damage to the body. Last but not least, Micro-Chinese Medicine is not applied orally but by osmosis, which means that it will not stimulate stomach or guts, and lead to poor appetite.

In a word, to reduce protein in urine, Micro-Chinese Medicine can be your priority.

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