
How to Reduce Protein in Urine through Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

As the major manifestation of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), proteinuria always arouses people's dislike. Hence, reducing protein becomes the hot topic among patients with CKD. Then do you know how Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy helps to reduce protein in urine?
Where Can I Get Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
Before talking about reduce protein in urine with Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, let's make clear how the protein gets into urine. Our kidneys stop protein from leaking out through glomerular filtration membrane which is composed of many renal intrinsic cells. In basilar membrane, there are many holes and only the small molecules can get through these holes, this is called mechanical barrier. Most of the protein is macromolecular substance; they can not get through these holes, so they can be stopped from leaking out effectively. Moreover, there are many negative charges in the filtration membrane, according to the principle, like charges repel, protein which carry negative charge will be stopped from getting through the filtration membrane.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for CKD
However, for patients with renal damage, the filtration membrane has been broken, and it can not stop protein from being leaked out effectively. As a result, protein gets into urine. Therefore, if want to reduce protein in urine, then we must repair damaged filtration membrane which refers to damaged renal cells here. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy takes herbal medicine as the major materials. In Micro-Chinese medicines, there are many types of herbal medicines and some of them can activate damaged renal cells so that these intrinsic cells play their function again. When these damaged renal cells are repaired, they will continue stopping protein from being leaked out. As a result, proteinuria - Proteinuria and Kidney Disease symptom is relieved. Moreover, Micro-Chinese medicines contain a lot of nutrient substances needed by our body such as vitamin, trace elements and organic acid. By doing Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, damaged renal intrinsic cells can get these nutrient substances smoothly, which will promote the repair of damaged filtration membrane. When filtration membrane is repaired, our kidneys will play their function again. Consequently, proteinuria symptom will be remitted greatly.
As long as patients choose the correct treatment, reducing protein in urine is not so difficult for patients with CKD (CKD Stage 4 Treatment). Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a treatment which treats CKD fundamentally. Thereby, if you adopt it as the major treatment, you will receive radical recovery.

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