
Difference between a Kidney Cyst and a Kidney Stone

  Kidney cyst is different from kidney stone. As follows:
  A Kidney Cyst (Renal Cyst) refers to a closed sac that usually fills with fluids. Most of the time, the fluid is initial urine. The cyst looks like a little balloon. It is formed as a result of calcification in the kidneys.
  A Kidney Stone is solid, small mass that is formed when salts or minerals, which occur normally in urine, crystallize within the kidney. It is very tiny and goes unnoticed, passing out harmlessly from the body. They can become larger and create problems.
  Different Symptoms
  For a Kidney Cyst, most often, it does not cause symptoms or harm the kidney. It progresses insidiously. When a cyst is big enough, patients may have following symptoms: 1. Hematuria; 2. Discomfort or pain in the waist and abdomen; 3. Protein in urine; 4. Abdominal Bump; 5. Renal dysfunction; 6. Hypertension
  For a Kidney Stone, it is more often found at age of 20-40. The symptoms are as follows: 1. Hematuria, or blood present in the urine; 2. Painful urination, or a burning or stinging sensation; 3. Nausea and even vomiting; 4. An increase in the frequency of passing urine; 5. Abdominal tenderness, particularly in the area of ​​the kidneys.
  What's the Treatment Symptoms of Kidney Stone
  But there may be no symptoms or light pain in one's waist.
  Treatment of Kidney Cysts and Kidney Stones
  Kidney Cysts
  Normally there is no need to have any special treatment if the cyst is not large enough and cause discomfort. In some cases, the cyst is growing and makes you feel painful. Treatment at that time is needed. Therefore daily health care is necessary.
  It could be treated by Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy or western medicine such as LRCD or aspiration. You can compare of them and choose the best one to treat the cyst.
  Kidney Stones
  Small stones, 4 mm or less in size, are usually passed out spontaneously.
  Usually, stones measuring around 8 mm in diameter or more need medical attention.
  Surgery is not always necessary to remove kidney stones. Sometimes you just need to drink plenty of water if the doctor thinks that the stone can pass out itself.
  But sometimes surgery is necessary. The surgeries are as follows.
  Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, shock waves are used in this procedure to break the stones into tiny pieces. Then later they will be eliminated from urine.
  Treatment for Hemorrhagic Renal Cyst and Kidney Stone
  Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy / Nephrolithotripsy, when ESWL is not effective or the stone is very large.
  Ureteroscopy :, a stone that is lodged in the ureter will be removed by this way.
  Chinese medicine
  Different herbs will be used according to different conditions of kidney stones.
  Kidney Cyst and Kidney Stone are different.

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