
How to Prevent Chronic Kidney Disease

Nowadays, there are more and more patients have Chronic Kidney Disease. There are some statistics need your attention. In China, about 90% patients are lack of knowledge of Chronic Kidney Disease. After many times' relapse, they will realize the serious degree of the disease, but most of them have had End Stage Renal Failure. More and more young people have Chronic Kidney Disease now, in China, there are about 79.5% patients with Chronic Kidney Disease are young people. Most of them only 22 or 23 years old. Among the whole world, more and more children have Nephropathy Syndrome.
According to the epidemiological survey, the morbidity of Chronic Kidney Disease is 10% and 1% of the patients will have Uremia. In addition, there are 52.8% of the patients who have Nephritis, Nephropathy Syndrome and Renal Cyst will have Chronic Renal Failure. So, patients with Renal Cyst, PKD or so on are suggested to treat it timely so that they can avoid Renal Failure. As a knotty disease, Diabetes is a main cause for Chronic Kidney Disease. After having Diabetes for 8 or 10 years, about 25% patients will have Diabetic Nephropathy and most of them will have Renal Failure. Some scholar even put out that almost all the diabetic will have Chronic Kidney Disease and Renal Failure.
The above statistics scare us, and how to prevent Chronic Kidney Disease? Due to most western treatments only treat symptoms instead of the causes, the disease will relapse again and again. Patients do not want to take medicines for a long time, but they can not stop the medicines if they want to control it. Taking this into consideration, we suggest patients to take Chinese medicine. After over 26 years' application in clinic, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is proved to be effective in treating PKD, Renal Cyst, Diabetes, Diabetic Nephropathy, Nephropathy Sydrome and so on, especially the early stage Chronic Kidney Disease.
So, what is the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital ? And how about the effects?
Micro-Chinese Medicine is made up with traditional Chinese herbs, but it is different from TCM. it is processed by the Micro-way, that is, the medicine is made into fine grain which is good for the absorption of lesions. we try to make all effective constitutes to be absorbed when we made the medicine. Main functions of Micro-Chinese Medicine are as following:
1. Activating remained normal cells and recovering the normal cellular metabolism.
2. Improving microcirculation and relieving the anaerobic state.
3. Supplying necessary nutritions.
4. Improving internal environment and regulating immune and metabolic function.

It is not easy to explain Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy in several words and it is better for we to talk individual patient's condition with the therapy. If you want to know more, you can email us.

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