
The Methods to Reduce Protein in Urine in Kidney Disease

Protein in urine or proteinuria is a typical symptom for patients with chronic kidney disease. How does protein in urine come into being? What is the effective method to reduce protein in urine? As we know, when people have protein in urine and are diagnosed with chronic kidney disease, there must be something wrong in the kidney. Actually, as we know, kidney has a function of filtration, which can filtrate the toxins in the process of metabolism such as creatinine, urea acid, blood urea nitrogen, and so on. All of them are small molecules and can pass through renal glomerular filtration membrane. Once the kidney is damaged, renal glomerular filtration membrane will be damaged as well. In this case, other molecules such as protein will leak out and lead to protein in urine, we can also call this symptom proteinuria - Proteinuria and Kidney Disease. There are kinds of kidney diseases and in the following cases, proteinuria can come into being. For patients with primary nephritis, they can have protein in urine or proteinuria. Patients with Diabetic Nephropathy can also have protein in urine when they develop into the third stage of Diabetic Nephropathy. Patients with Hypertensive Nephropathy can also have protein in urine in the serious stage.
Since proteinuria comes into being, what can we do to reduce protein in urine?
In western countries, angiotension ACEI is applied to treat protein in urine. However, long time use of it can not stop the further deterioration and there will also appear some side effect. So an increasing number of patients with chronic kidney disease are looking for a better treatment. They heard that herbs can achieve better treatment. So are Chinese herbs. There is no doubt that traditional Chinese medicine has a long history and has proved its effective effect in clinic. What’s more, after years’development, Micro-Chinese Medicine comes into being in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital. It is much easier to be absorbed and it is more convenient to operate. In addition, Micro-Chinese Medicine also contains many nutritious and active substances and materials. After it comes into the body, firstly, it can improve the insufficiency of blood and oxygen in the body. Then, it can repair the damaged intrinsic cells such as renal glomerular filtration membrane because there are materials which can improve the insufficiency of blood and oxygen and supply more blood and oxygen.

So after the treatment, the damaged renal glomerular filtration membrane is repaired and proteins can not leak out, which means that the protein in urine will be reduced at the same time.

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