
How to Treat Renal Anemia in Kidney Disease

The common symptoms caused by renal anemia are pale faces, fatigue, dizziness, palpitation, and inappetence, and so on. When patients receive a blood examination, they will find out that the red blood cells decreases, the hemoglobin is less than 11.5 g. What’s worse, for some serious patients, they will have dry and wrinkled skin. The finger nail’s shape is like a ship. Hair looks yellowish and is easy to drop. In addition, there is noise in the heart as well.
Once diagnosed with renal anemia, patients should receive treatment in time. If the hemoglobin or red cell is too low in the blood, we should consider it is maybe caused by kidney disease. Patients should apply EPO to treat. If the iron in the body is low, EPO cannot treat it effectively. Besides applying EPO, patients can also take in drugs which contain iron. If the above mentioned can not increase iron to a normal level, they should inject iron through veins so as to achieve the effect.
The treatment of renal anemia can be as follows besides medicine which has side effects as we know. Kidney Failure With Severe Anemia
The first one is blood transfusion. Generally, the resistance for anemia for uremia patients is strong. Too excessive blood transfusion is also dangerous. So only those whose hemoglobin is less than 70 g/L, have heart failure caused by anemia, angina and bleeding of digestive tract and brain should choose to get blood transfusion. In addition, they had better choose concentrated red blood cell which is stored in advanced facilities. The transfusion of blood each time should be not too much. In other words, excessive transfusion of blood will inhibit the secretion of hemopoietin, which makes the production of red blood cell reduce. Stage 5 Chronic Renal Failure and Anemia Diagnosis
The second method is dialysis. By hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis, metabolic waste in the blood can be discharged. Water, electrolyte balance can be adjusted to prolong the lifespan of red blood cells. However, dialysis can do little to improve anemia.
Which method is better? Is there a new method which can treat anemia best? Before introducing, we should first of all know about the fundamental reason why anemia comes into being.There is Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital.

The fundamental reason is fibroblast and capillary endothelial cell which can secrete EPO are damaged due to renal fibrosis. 90% to 95% of EPO of the human body is produced by kidney. If these cells are damaged, there must be insufficiency of blood. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can repair damaged intrinsic cell in the kidney and reverse the insufficiency of blood fundamentally. For more information about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, please read relative articles in the volume or consult us on line.

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