
Treat Kidney Disease with Conservative Therapy

Chronic Kidney Disease is a general medical terminology, compared to acute kidney disease. Many acute kidney diseases can develop into chronic kidney disease if no proper treatment given in time. In the early stage, patients usually take steroids, but large dosage and long term application of steroids can decrease body’s immunity to various disease. It can arouse disorder in central nervous Immunotherapy, internal and metabolism Immunotherapy. Gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular Immunotherapy, moving Immunotherapy etc can also go haywire. Objectively, steroids or hormone medicines are just to remit symptoms rather than solve the basic problem of kidney disease.
According to our clinical experience, the main reason of chronic kidney disease is induced by the damage of inherent cells in kidneys. Kidneys fail to work properly, and its original function to discharge toxins, regulate the balance of water and electrolyte, and secrete hormones get damaged, so there would be excessive Na+ and water retention in the body, entering into tissue and causing swelling and high blood pressure etc. Therefore, the point to relieve these symptoms is to slow down or halt the aggravation of those inherent cells.There is Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a quite different conservative treatment, due to its external administration. This method avoid the bitter taste of traditional herbal medicine and reduce the gastrointestinal tract irritation.
Is Any Treatment Available for Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 4
The active ingredients are proceeded from refined herb medicine with advanced manufacturing technology. With the guidance of medical osmosis device, the active ingredients can penetrate focal lesions in kidney directly. Patients receive this treatment just by lying on the bed. The effective component of osmotherapy can dilate blood vessels and promote blood circulation, removing stasis and obstruction in blood. Its unique function of anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degrading viscosity and extra-cellular matrix, a clean internal environment can be created. In this case, the residual nephrons and renal function can be protected from further aggravation because ischemia and anoxia of five types of inherent cells get improved strikingly.

For patients with kidney disease, the most important thing is to take proper and prompt treatment. Any delaying can add the difficulty of treatment, so does improper treatment. If you have renal disease and hope to try this treatment, you can email to me.

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