
Latest Treatment of Polycystic Kidney Disease 2015

Ⅲ Correct therapeutic method to PKD
As human gene can’t be changed, clinic treatment mainly starts from cysts with combination of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine. Western medicine just takes temporary solution instead of effecting a permanent cure, as it is symptomatic treatment that controls your disease according to present clinical indicator. Therefore, together with western medicine, we must also adopt the fundamental cure of Chinese medicine, aiming at preventing cysts from being bigger. When cystic epithelial cells are inactivated, they lose secretion activity and stop secreting fluid, which make cysts keep its present size and stop growing. But we can’t keep the formed cysts stay in kidney, so at the same time, we need to increase the permeability of cysts blood circulation through drugs, which can reabsorb cysts fluid and finally eliminate it in urine through metabolism. It won’t recur usually because this cures the cysts thoroughly.
Ⅳ Wrong treatments. How Does Polycystic Kidney Disease Progress to Kidney Failure .
There are there three kinds of wrong treatments: firstly, treat head when head aches and treat feet when feet ache. You ignore the cysts that are the real cause and are busy to decrease the creatinine, blood pressure, as well as protein, so meanwhile the cysts continue to grow. The second is surgical resection. You naively believe that the disease will be cured as long as the cysts are removed, but you don’t realize that surgical resection isn’t permanent treatment and it just resects the present existed cysts. The cysts are sure to appear again, as long as epithelial cells of cysts exist and it is impossible to clear away all of them completely by operation. In addition, the operation has some risks and traumatism, and not all operations are one hundred percent success.
Ⅴ The special treatment in Shijiazhuang kidney Disease hospital ,Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Polycystic Kidney Disease
By using comprehensive treatment of Chinese and western medicine, our hospital mainly depends on Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, which directs at restraining the growth of cysts. The characters of this treatment: firstly, reduce the source of cyst internal fluid, inactivate cells on cyst wall and inhibit them secreting cyst fluid, as well as make cysts stop growing. Second, increase excretion of cyst fluid and permeability of cyst blood circulation, which can speed up excretion of fluid and shrink the cysts.
However, in some cases, only Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can not achieve it when the condition of patients becomes serious. For example, there are necrotic intrinsic cells which lead to the fibrosis of kidney and even the shrink of the kidney. At this time, patients with PKD should also adopt the Immunotherapyation based on the application of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. In this case, the main purpose of Micro-Chinese Medicine can supply a proper environment for the transplantation of Immunotherapy. In Micro-Chinese Medicine, there are active and nutritious materials, which can promote the blood circulation and dissolve the stasis in the blood, thus improving the micro-circulation in the kidney. Then, Micro-Chinese Medicine can help discharge the immune complex and other toxins, through which, the inner environment is much cleaner, thus lessening the burden of the kidney. Next, the nutrition can improve the insufficiency of blood and oxygen in the blood, thus repairing the damaged intrinsic cells and supplying the condition for the transplantation.
Immunotherapy are infused into human body through intravenous injection, and then Immunotherapys will transfer into the kidney lesions by auto-homing function. Immunotherapy can adjust the immune disorder by change the genes and repair the damaged glomeruli by generating into new renal intrinsic cells to replace the scarred ones.

From the above, we can get a conclusion that the combination of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapyation can be the latest treatment for patients with PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease). Doctors and nurses in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital sincerely hope patients with PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease)can find a better treatment in 2012 and get fundamental treatment. If you still have any questions, please consult us. We are glad to serve.

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