
Latest treatment of Polycystic Kidney Disease

What kind of disease do patients have?
As the traditional name, the diagnosis of Polycystic Kidney Disease is according to the diagnosis of traditional diagnostic method which is based on histology and gets the diagnostic result from renal structure. But according to present western leading medical treatment, diagnosis of kidney disease changes from clinical diagnosis to pathological diagnosis, pathogenesis has developed into cytology from histology. It is scientific to analyze cell function damage at the basis of cell damage. That is, you have variation hyperplasia of genetic tubular epithelial cell in cytology.How Does Polycystic Kidney Disease Progress to Kidney Failure
Causes: Autosomal dominant inheritance metamorphoses renal epithelial cells into cyst epithelial cells which constantly enlarge cyst by secreting capsule liquid, causing replacement of normal renal structure by renal cyst. This gradually decreases glomerular protective function and tubular function of concentration, reabsorption, as well as regulation. Therefore, the root cause of external symptom of protein and occults blood in urine routine examination is disease in renal epithelial cells.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Polycystic Kidney Disease
Ⅱ Why do patients have the disease? - Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

A typical feature of PKD(PKD Treatment) is family gathered tendency. You can ask whether your parents, brothers and sisters have the disease (if not checked, ask them whether often feel pain in wrist). Once one of the parents has PKD, every child is 50 percent to be with it. But you needn’t worry if not diagnosed with the disease, because it won’t develop into it in future. Belonging to autosomal dominant inheritance, PKD progressively forms until grown up, companied by liver cyst and stones for some patients. Proliferation of renal epithelial cells is its obvious feature. When renal epithelial cells metamorphose cyst epithelial cells, they posse the secretory function but don’t have the normal excretion pathway. As the cyst accumulates fluid with the increase of age, it enlarges, its pressure rises, and surface tension increases. At that time, some sensitive patients will feel uncomfortable in wrist. When some section of cyst is infected, pain appears. The normal renal structure is replaced by gradually increasing cyst. Glomerular protective function and tubular function of concentration, reabsorption, as well as regulation, gradually decreases, which leads to hypertension and abnormal in urine routine examination and renal function examination.

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