
Stage 3 Kidney Disease Life Expectancy

Stage 3 Kidney Disease Life Expectancy
Internationally, doctors judge the damage degree of kidney disease by GFR( glomerular filtration rate) besides serum creatine. According to GFR( glomerular filtration rate), CKD(Chronic Kidney Disease) can be divided into five stages. The normal range of GFR( glomerular filtration rate) is 80 to 120 ml/(min•1.73㎡), which shows the volumn of blood which flows into kidney per minute. GFR is a very scientific index which indicates how kidney is damaged and in other words, it shows how the renal function is.
In the first stage, GFR is normal or high, which is more than 90 ml/(min•1.73㎡). In the second stage, GFR declines to 60~90ml/(min•1.73㎡). In the third stage, GFR declines to 30~59ml/(min•1.73㎡). Patients fall into renal failure stage based on Chinese traditional standard. The serum creatinine rises to 442 to 707μmol/L(5~8mg/dl). The creatinine clearance rate declines to 20 to 10 ml/min. BUN ( blood urea nitrogen) increased to 179~286mmol/L(50~80mg/dl).
Patients with CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) Stage 3 can also have some symptoms. They will suffer from anemia, balance disorders of water, electrolyte and acid-base. Suffering from these, patients with CKD(Chronic Kidney Disease) Stage 3 even loose confidence. Stage 3 Kidney Disease Life Expectancy
So patients with CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) Stage 3 want to know life expectancy. How long will I live? Is the future fearful really? Absolutely not. Experts in kidney disease field point out that in most time, patients with CKD(Chronic Kidney Disease) Stage 3 can not receive scientific treatment and the medicine just focus on the symptoms such as hormone, immunosuppressive agent. They focus on dimishing the symptoms and once patients with CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) Stage 3 have got an infection such as cold, symptoms will recur again. What’s worse, it makes patients depressed and even hopeless. But do not worry because there is also a new therapy which maybe you have not heard of it before but it really can bring you new hope.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can promote the blood circulation and dissolve the stasis in the blood, creating a clearer inner environment. Secondly, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy contains many active and nutritious substances, which can repair the damaged intrinsic cells and prevent proteins and red blood cells, etc from leaking out fundamentally. After more than one months’ treatment in hospital, patients with CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) Stage 3 should apply Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for another more than 3 months to consolidate the effect. So the total treatment may take 4 months.
If patiets with chronic kidney disease stage 3 are more serious, in other words, if there are many necrotic intrinsic cells damaging renal structure and function that we can not solve it with Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, we should add another therapy: Immunotherapy to generate new intrinsic cells and rebuild the normal renal structure and function. After Immunotherapy is transplanted into human body by injection through vein, it can reach the nidus and deteriorate into the cells which human body is in need of. In addition, it can strengthen the immunological ability and make patients with chronic kidney disease stage 3 recover as soon as possible. We can aslo say, we should use the combination of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapy transpant if necessary.
Generally, patients with chronic kidney disease stage 3 should receive Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy every day and each time lasts for 45 minutes. As for the Immunotherapy, in the whole treatment, they should inject two times generally.In shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital.
So there is no need to worry. In stage 3, the damage in kidney is not so serious. In other words, it can be treated well as long as the treatment is effective and timely. Life expectancy will be longer consequently.

If you still have any other questions about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapy, please feel free to consult the experts online or email to me

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