
What does GFR 35 Stand for Kidney Disease

What does GFR 35 stand for Kidney Disease? When doctors judge how serious patients with kidney disease, they often put the level of GFR as a very important reference, which is similar to serum creatinine.
What is GFR?
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) describes the flow rate of filtered fluid through the kidney. Creatinine clearance rate (CCr or CrCl) is the volume of blood plasma that is cleared of creatinine per unit time and is a useful measure for approximating the GFR. Creatinine clearance exceeds GFR due to creatinine secretion, which can be blocked by cimetidine. In addition, internationally, chronic kidney disease can be divided into five stages according to the level of GFR. The specific classifications are as follows:
Stage 1 GFR ≥90 mL/min/1.73m2
Stage 2 GFR 60-89 mL/min/1.73m2
Stage 3 GFR 30-59 mL/min/1.73m2
Stage 4 GFR 15-29 mL/min/1.73m2
Stage 5 GFR <15 mL/min/1.73m2 (or Dialysis)
From the above, we can find out that GFR 35 means that chronic kidney disease patients have developed into stage 3. In addition, what we should point out is that the normal range of GFR is 80 to 120.
Generally, in this stage, the serum creatinine has increased to 186-142μmol/L (2.1-5.0mg/dL). Patients can also have symtoms such as fatigue, swelling from the eyelids to low limbs, abnormal in urine, difficulty in sleeping and in some cases there will be pain in renal region. The aim in stage 3 CKD is to identify individuals at risk of progressive renal disease, and to reduce associated risks of many kinds of complications especially diseases related to heart.
In western countries, patients with stage 3 usually receive kinds of hormones and immunosuppressive agent, which can control the symptoms whose GFR is 35. However, according to the pathology of chronic kidney disease, chronic kidney disease is due to the damage of five intrinsic cells in the kidney. The hormones and immunosuppressive agent however just focus on the diminishing of the symptoms. The symptoms can diminish for the time being, but after infection and so on, symptoms will appear again. Patients have to receive the same treatment again. The dosage will also increase accordingly. In this process, the damaged intrinsic cells in the kidney have no chance to be repaired. What’s worse, there will be more damaged intrinsic cells and even necrotic ones and patients with chronic kidney disease stage 3 will develops into stage 4 CKD. The level of GFR will decline. Once the creatinine rises to 445μmol/L, chronic kidney disease patients have to receive dialysis, which can help discharge the creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, urea acid, and so on. Is Any Treatment Available for Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 4
So is there a brand new therapy which can treat GFR 35 fundamentally? Absolutely. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can solve the problem. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy contains active materials which can help clear the immune complex and so on, and can lessen the burden of the kidney. It also contains much nutritious materials, which can repair the damaged intrinsic cells by supplying more oxygen and nutrition. In this way, damaged intrinsic cells can be repaired and renal function will revive. Accordingly, the GFR will also increase.In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital,there are micro-chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.
Besides this, patients with chronic kidney disease stage 3 GFR 35 can also receive Immunotherapy. Immunotherapy are injected into the body and then will generate massive daughter cells same with themselves. Those daughter cells will differentiated into all kind of cells, renal tissues as well as renal vessels which are needed by the kidney, to improve local micro-circulation in the kidney, to lower the high pressure inside the glomerulus and to relieve ischemia and anoxia of the kidney, finally recovering and improving blood circulation of the whole body. The Immunotherapys also release some kind of active factors, which can stimulate renal cells to secrete erythropoietin. Well, the erythropoietin can help with the formation of red blood cells, which in due relieves the anemia condition. The Immunotherapys also can inhibit immune response, differentiate into immune cells and adjust the immune syImmunotherapy to function normally, so that the kidney can be restored gradually. Those are all the functions that the Immunotherapys do in treating kidney disease. At the same time, Immunotherapys also can repair the kidney depending on different disease conditions.

So from the above, we should be confident in treating chronic kidney disease.

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