
A Good Plan for Female Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease

If young female patients experience Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD), they will face with many problems. They wonder whether their disease can be treated well, whether they can give birth to a baby and whether their baby will also suffer from Polycystic Kidney Disease. Here a good plan is introduced to young female patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease.
1. Taking Tests Regularly
Once they are diagnosed with PKD, they should take regular tests to detect the growth of the multiple cysts in the kidneys. They should realize that the cysts will grow along with the increasing age. If their cysts are controlled well, female patients are more likely to live a normal life like average women. They may give a baby with the permission of their doctor, not considering the problem that whether their baby will inherit PKD.
Avoid Dialysis in Polycystic Kidney Disease at Renal Failure Stage
2. Receive Effective Treatment
Generally, patients may not present discomfort if the cysts don't grow big enough to damage the kidneys. Sometimes, patients will feel discomfort, such as pain in the back, pain in the blank and abdomen due to the cyst enlargement. Once they present pain, they had better receive treatment right away.
The main goal to receive treatment is to make the enlarged cysts and the smaller cysts shrink and make the recessive ones not grow.
Herbal medicine treatment (here I mean Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy) is more and more adopted to shrink the cysts by inactivating the endothelial cells of the cysts. As long as the endothelial cells are inactivated and cannot excrete fluid to fill cysts, the cysts will shrink and not grow.
Shrink Kidney Cyst 2.3*2.1cm with Natural Treatment in PKD
In this condition, young female patients have the chance of giving birth to a child. If they don't receive timely treatment, they are more likely to suffer from severe kidney damage or even Kidney Failure. If so, it is not easy for them to have a baby. This is why we recommend young female patients with PKD receive earlier treatment.
3. About the Genetic Odds
For female patients' baby, the genetic odds of suffering from PKD is about 50% supposing that their husband doesn't experience this disease. Though this problem cannot be resolved until the gene therapy occurs, female patients are likely to give birth to a healthy baby.
How to Improve Kidney Function in PKD via Chinese Medicine
All in all, female patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease are recommended to receive reasonable treatment as soon as possible. I hope they can have a healthy baby one day.
Any question, feel free to consult us. Or email pkdclinic888@hotmail.com We will try to help you and your family.

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