Creatinine is a widely applied lab test performed among kidney disease
patients to reflect the function of the kidneys. Creatinine is metabolized from
muscle metabolism. Every 20g muscle can produce 1 mg creatinine. Creatinine
production is steady and proportional to muscle mass. However, in some
conditions, one may experience elevated serum creatinine level. Well then, what
is the reason for the high serum creatinine? Should it be treated? It is
Lower High Creatinine Level 8.9 without Dialysis
Creatinine normally is removed by renal filters and is determined by renal
serum creatinine clearance rate. Chronic kidney failure leads to injury to
healthy renal tissues further contributing to reduction of kidney filtration
function. The only condition that can cause significant elevation of serum
creatinine level is severe injury to the kidneys. Creatinine level increases
when at least half of functioning nephrons are lost or necrotic. Normal serum
creatinine level in adult females is 0.7-1.3md/dl, and 0.6-1.2 mg/dl in adult
males. Serum creatinine level together with Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) can
tell your stage of chronic kidney failure. For instance, serum creatinine
2.1-5.0mg/dl in blood together with GFR30-59 is stage 3 chronic kidney failure,
while creatinine 15-29 is stage 4 chronic kidney failure. Creatinine level keeps
on rising with renal function declining. The higher your creatinine level is,
the severe it is your kidney injury will be. If left untreated, renal condition
continues worsening until end-stage kidney failure.
Which Treatment Can Release High Creatinine Level 5 in Diabetic Nephripathy
A patient may feel well with a slight serum creatinine elevation, but as
serum creatinine is increasing, the patient will experience vomiting, nausea,
poor appetite, headache, stomach or even uremic pericarditis. High serum
creatinine is a dangerous warning sign for the patient. But if the patient can
treat their lesioned kidneys and protect their residual kidney function at early
time when creatinine begins rising, you can have the chance to stop kidney
failing and greatly improve the prognosis.
How to Lower High Creatinine Level 8.9 in Nephritic Syndrome
What is the nursing care and treatment for high serum creatinine? How to
reduce the risks from rising creatinine? If you need any of related information,
you may email us directly , or consult experts
online immediately.