
Case Analysis: Immunotherapy for Treating Uremia

Patient: Lijun, Male, 30 years old, from Fujian province
The patient’s condition: poor spirit, appetite and sleep; severe nausea and vomiting; severe anemia; itching; backache; fatigue; light urinary color and smell; slight edema on double eyelids and both lower limbs.
Diagnosis: Uremia, renal anemia, renal hypertension.
Before stem cell transplant: hemodialysis, twice a week; before hemodialysis, serum creatinine: 1620 umol/L, urea nitrogen: 27.56 mmol/L, uric acid: 486 umol/L.
On August 3rd, after eight hours of continuous hemodialysis, cord blood stem cell transplant was done. After 10 days, review was done: before hemodialysis, creatinine: 1302 umol/L, urea nitrogen: 22.34 mmol/L, uric acid: 465 umol/L. The interval of dialysis was prolonged to 4-5 days. And the patient's condition was stable.
It can be seen that for Uremic patients, continuous hemodialysis and cord blood stem cell transplant could effectively increase the renal blood circulation and improve kidney function, so that renal detoxification capacity increased, serum creatinine, urea nitrogen decreased and the patient could achieve the purpose of prolonging the interval of the dialysis and even getting rid of it.
The experts in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital said that after the patient was hospitalized, blood purification was given first and then Immunotherapy . Blood purification provided an non-toxic, benignant environment for stem cells to grow. Meanwhile, other medicine played an adjuvant role. Stem cells were tranfused into the patients’ body through venae and reached lesions along with blood circulation. Induced by relevant signals, stem cells can be transformed into inherent cells needed by the lesions to replace damaged cells to play a role.
Therefore, people in both experimental and clinical areas found the two major functions of Immunotherapy : repairing and rebuilding, thus further expanding renal artery and the digestive tract artery, strengthening blood perfusion of kidney and all the body; improving local microcirculation, increasing oxygen supply, enhancing metabolism, relieving the disorder state of inner environment due to anoxia and lessening symptoms of poisoning
In addition, Uremia patients need to take compound α-keto acid after the operation, which can provide protein required when stem cells expand and reproduce and can decrease urea nitrogen and glomerular high filtration, thus protecting nephrons.

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