
Live A Better Life with Diabetes

Everyone hope have a better life. But We all know that Diabetes is a lifelong disease and it can really threaten your life if you don’t take good care of it.
Then what should you do to better care for yourselves?

From a research which shows that Diabetes does shorten people’s lifespan we can know that what we should do includes the following aspects:
If you don’t have Diabetes, do what you can to prevent Diabetes. Know more about the risk factors of Diabetes and try to avoid them by developing a good living habit. For example, the most well known risk factors of Diabetes include obesity, less physical exercise, or unhealthy lifestyle. To avoid getting Diabetes, you should try to lose weight if you are overweight and do regular physical exercise, eat healthy and balanced diet and so on. These are all helpful in reducing your risk of getting Diabetes.
If you have Diabetes, the most important thing for you is to maintain tight control of blood sugar. The premise for this is to have a close monitoring of your condition. Pay regular visit to your doctor and know the specific condition of yourself. You can take important measures to reduce your risk of further health problems.
Change your eating habit to a healthier mode. Choose a diet that helps you to lose excess weight. Your diet also should be high in whole grains and fiber and low in saturated fat. Also, limit your intake of concentrated sweets, cholesterol and total calories. It may be helpful to meet with a nutritionist.
Exercise regularly. This is both good for you to lose weight and also helpful in building up your body resistance. You need to keep this as a part of your daily life and not just do it when you think of it.
Have regular eye and foot checkups. Diabetes may easily cause many complications, most of which are related to a bad blood sugar control. The problems can involve your eyes and your feet, so it is necessary for you to have regular examination of your eyes and your feet. In addition, you should try to protect them from being influenced by factors like infection or injury.
Apart from keeping your blood sugar at normal range, you should also pay attention to your blood pressure as well as cholesterol. Sometimes when there is anything abnormal, you may need to take more medicines under the guidance of your doctor.
Talk to your doctor about whether you should take low-dose aspirin to prevent blood clots and an ACE inhibitor to protect your kidneys.

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