
Is Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD) Bound to Worsen into Uremia?

If Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD) haven't been treated timely and properly, it is quite possible to worsen into Uremia. Therefore, faced with Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD), we should be cautious to take measures and receive treatments actively. Besides that, we need to prepare corresponding nursing works and adjust diet structure strictly.
Generally speaking, the process of Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD) is continuous, that is, Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD) worsens into Uremia progressively. During the slow process, if only we take proper treatment and suitable nursing work, this worsening steps can be put off furthest. Patients with CKD can live normal life as other common people. In another word, although Uremia is the end stage of CKD, the onset of uremia is not inevitable.
During the process, patients also should notice these following aspects except for the long-term treatment:
Hypovolemia: hypotension, dehydration, shock and so on.
Sharp decrease of blood supply in part of kidneys: tissue trauma or massive haemorrhage, serious infection, medicines with toxicity to kidneys or other physicochemical factors causing kidney damage, severe hypertension out of control, obstruction of urinary tracts.
Functional failure of other organs: such as severe heart failure, serious hepatic failure;
Others: hypercalcemia, high coagulation or high viscosity, serious malnutrition, the application of breathing machine and so on.

Chronic Kidney Disease is not fearful only when we take timely and effective treatment. If so, it takes no any influence to our normal life. But if we go to the adverse direction, that is, let Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD) alone and have inadequate notice of it, CKD is very possible to worsen into Uremia which means that renal functions collapse completely. As for the precaution of uremia, if you have other relevant questions, certainly you can consult our online experts or send e-mail to me. It is our pleasure to serve you!

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