
Kidney Disease Stage 4 and High Potassium

Kidneys have many functions such as secreting metabolism product, toxins and medicines, keep the balance of water and electrolyte, maintain the balance of acid base, adjust blood pressure and so on. So after kidney is damaged, the above mentioned functions will be damaged and electrolyte will also be out of balance. Electrolyte contains many ions such as potassium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, calcium, magnesium and so on. What is high potassium? When the potassium ion in plasma is more than 5 mEq/L, we call it hyperkalemia. When the potassium ion in plasma is 6~7 mEq/L, we call it serious hyperkalemia. When the it is more than 7 mEq/L, we call it the most severe hyperkalemia.
What damage high potassium (hyperkalemia) will cause? The retention of excessive potassium in the body will lead to arrhythmia, which can even threaten people’s life if it is too serious. As for kidney disease patients, generally, when kidney disease develops into uremia stage or stage 4, high potassium will come into being.
How do we control high potassium (hyperkalemia)? Firstly, food rich in potassium should be limited such as fresh broad bean, tomatoes, Chinese yam, spinach, mushroom, cabbage, bananas, oranges, apricots, spinach, edible amaranth, kelp, nori, Dateplum persimmon, apricot, almond, nut, peanuts, soya bean, mung bean, sheep lumbar, pig’s kidney, etc.

Next, we should take effective treatment for as long as there is high potassium appears, it indicates that kidney disease patients have become into relatively seriously stage such as stage 4 CKD, the treatment of which becomes critical. How to treat?As we mentioned, the lost renal function leads to the disorder of electrolyte, thus causing high potassium. So as long as we revive renal function, we can adjust this condition. The renal units form renal function and the damage of renal units lead to dysfunction of kidney. From the above, we can know that we should repair the damaged intrinsic cells, thus generating kidney function and regain normal level of potassium. In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, we have micro-chinese medicine, which can repair the damaged intrinsic cells and rebuild renal structure and revive renal function.

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