Patients with Kidney Cysts or Polycystic Kidney Disease only know the
of cysts in kidneys but they can’t distinguish which kind of Kidney
Cysts they have. The general knowledge about Kidney Cyst and Polycystic Kidney
Disease is necessary for patients to know, which can help them distinguish a
better treatment method.
Kidney Cyst How to shrink Kidney Cyst(Renal Cyst)
Kidney Cyst means that there are one or more cysts with various sizes. Common
Kidney Cysts can be classified into Adult Type Polycystic Kidney Disease, Simple
Kidney Cyst and Acquired Kidney Cyst (ACKD).
Polycystic Kidney Disease What Should I Do If a Cyst Bursts on My Kidney
Polycystic Kidney Disease is a kind of genetic kidney disease, which is like
a string of grapes with numerous cysts in kidneys. Polycystic Kidney Disease can
be divided in to Autosome Dominant Inheritance (Infantile Type Polycystic Kidney
Disease) and Autosome Recessive Inheritance (Adult Type Polycystic Kidney
Disease). Therefore, Polycystic Kidney Disease is incurable.
As for the pathologic division, Kidney Cyst and Polycystic Kidney Disease are
different. However, as for the treatment of Kidney Cyst and Polycystic Kidney
Disease, there is common principle. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can be
used to treat Kidney Cyst(Kidney Cyst Treatment) and Polycystic Kidney Disease through the following
two aspects: Suggestions for Kidney Cysts During Dialysis
1. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can control the growing of cysts. There
are active substances which can prevent the secretion of cyst fluid and the
growing of epithelial cells as well as avoid the further damage to kidneys.
2. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can treat the enlarged cysts.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy have the function of dilating blood vessels,
anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation as well as degradation which can achieve the
goal of promote blood circulation so as to decrease the pressure of capillaries
around cysts. Therefore, cyst fluid can enter into blood vessels and then ne
discharged out of body through urine. I addition, Micro-Chinese Medicine
Osmotherapy can provide kidneys necessary nutrition such as organic acid,
vitamin and other trophic substances, which can prevent the further
deterioration of intrinsic cells.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can be applied according to the cause of
cyst, which means to treat Kidney Cyst from the root. Patients with Kidney Cyst
should have the ability to distinguish which method is better to treat the