There are three main types of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD): Autosomal
Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD), Autosomal Recessive Polycystic
Kidney Disease (ARPKD) and Acquired Cystic Kidney Disease (ACKD). The first two
belong to hereditary diseases, while the later one ACKD is not genetic. ACKD is
usually found among people with Chronic Kidney Disease, especially patients with
the End Stage Renal Failure or on dialysis. There are three points about
Acquired Cystic Kidney Disease.
People with high risk of Acquired Cystic Kidney Disease(ACKD) Any Treatment to Stop PolyCystic Kidney Disease (PKD)
Without difference between male and female, children and adults, people with
Chronic Kidney Disease are likely to suffer from Acquired Cystic Kidney Disease.
As is reported, 90 percent patients will have Acquired Cystic Kidney
Disease(ACKD) if they have been on hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis for about
five years. Without dialysis, patients with Kidney Failure also tend to have
cysts in their kidneys, in particular, patients at the End Stage Kidney Failure
or Uremia. At this point, the early dialysis might increase the risk of Acquired
Cystic Kidney Disease. So it is not an external safe method for patient with
Kidney Disease or Kidney Failure to prolong their lifespan.
Causing factors
Treatment for PolyCystic Kidney Disease to Reduce Creatinine 7.5
At present, scholars are not clear about what causes Acquired Cystic Kidney
Disease and how Acquired Cystic Kidney Disease(ACKD) is caused, but there some
causing factors may be involved in exerting Acquired Cystic Kidney
Disease(ACKD). During dialysis, there might be some waste products not removed
like polyamine, depositing in body and causing cysts to form in the kidneys.
With carcinogenicity, dimethyl nitrosamine (DMN) and disinfectants in the water
used in dialysis might stimulate cysts to grow in kidneys. The End Stage Kidney
Failure will open many factors causing cysts such as the lack of blood and
oxygen, blocking in kidney tubules, secreting substances provoking cysts and so
on. Instead of merely renal pathological changes, Acquired Cystic Kidney Disease
can be considered as a secondary disease after renal functions failing.
Clinical features Is There Any Cure for PolyCystic Kidneys Best Remedy to Deal with PolyCystic Kidney Disease
It is common for patients with Acquired Cystic Kidney Disease that there is
usually no symptom, except blood in urine and flank pain when cysts bleed or are
infected. With ultrasound or CT, patients on dialysis will have two or three
cysts in their kidneys. They are usually not big, 2cm or 3cm. What’s worse,
those cysts possibly transform into malignant cells. The obvious symptoms of
Kidney Cancer are fever, anemia and faster ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate),
etc. which are often mistaken as Uremia in diagnosis.
There is no chance of passing Acquired Cystic Kidney Disease to the children
of patients, but it will cause great damage or inconvenience to patients