
Kidney dialysis is how

Patients with kidney disease on dialysis must be very familiar with , but in the end everyone on kidney dialysis have misunderstand? Kidney dialysis is how it happened? Order to give you a more detailed description , we asked the experts to give kidney hospital we do a detailed introduction.
Kidneys filter blood to remove waste substances. If renal failure, waste accumulate in the body , eventually poison the body . Also known as an artificial kidney dialysis , hemodialysis was also called Act ( hemodialysis ) or dialysis . Hemodialysis English Hemodia1ysis, Hemo refers to the blood , dia1ysis from the Greek , meaning the release of certain substances , the English meaning of dialysis . It is a blood purification technology. Kidney dialysis is how ? Worldwide rely on dialysis to maintain the 500,000 patients in most of life in hemodialysis . Hemodialysis patients to relieve symptoms and prolong survival have a certain significance.
Instrument : Because the instrument is to rely on kidney dialysis extracorporeal blood , the patient has some risk , so the quality of the instrument, the safety factor is critical. Kidney dialysis is how ? Several large hospitals are mostly imported carbonated machine , and with a full-time maintenance engineer . And some hospitals are using acetic machine , is out of the model, patients prone to headaches , lack of oxygen .
Dialysis time : Kidney Dialysis Dialysis is how to do a general should ensure four and a half hours or so , while some hospitals as a day to three patients on dialysis , as lined classes, each patient will shorten the half-hour ? As a result, the body of toxins as well as patient retention .
Through the above correlation , I believe we are on kidney dialysis how it has a certain understanding of it, if you have questions or would like to learn more about kidney disease information , you can now free online consultation, the expert will give you to do the most detailed description to help you solve the problem !

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