
How to prevent chronic kidney disease in the earlier

Chronic kidney disease is a progressive condition that results in significant morbidity and mortality. Because of the important role the kidneys play in maintaining homeostasis, chronic kidney disease can affect almost every body . Early recognition and intervention are essential to slowing disease progression, maintaining quality of life, and improving outcomes.
Chronic kidney disease cannot be prevented in most situations. You may be able to protect your kidneys from damage, or slow the progression of the disease by controlling your underlying conditions such as diabetes mellitus and high blood pressure.Treatment Options for Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Is Stage 4 CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) Curable
Read on to learn how to prevent kidney disease :
1.Have your blood pressure checked regularly(High Blood Pressure and Kidney Disease). It is very important to have normal blood pressure if you want to prevent kidney disease.High blood pressure makes the heart work harder and, over time, can damage blood vessels throughout the body. If the blood vessels in the kidneys are damaged, they may stop removing wastes and extra fluid from the body. The extra fluid in the blood vessels may then raise blood pressure even more. It's a dangerous cycle.however ,how to Control your blood pressure. The easiest way to maintain a normal blood pressure is by restricting the amount of salt and sodium-filled foods that you consume.Severe Fatigue With Stage 4 Kidney Failure
2.Changes in your urine.A lot of foams may exist in their urine. The phenomenon of foam is caused by the leakage of protein. We all know that large amount of proteinuria(Proteinuria and Kidney Disease) is the predominant manifestation of Chronic Kidney Disease and it is shown as foam in urine in clinic. Moreover, patients with Chronic Kidney Disease may urinate more often, or in great amounts than usual, with pale urine.Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD) Stage 3
3.Keep to exercise.A normal exercise schedule of 30 minutes a day, five times a week will help keep your body functioning normally.
4.Urine blood test.Urinalysis is the examination of urine for various cells and chemicals. In addition to finding RBCs, the doctor may find white blood cells that signal a urinary tract infection or casts, which are groups of cells molded together in the shape of the kidneys' tiny filtering tubes, that signal kidney disease. Excessive protein in the urine also signals kidney disease.
Drink lots of water. Your kidneys have to process every liquid that goes into your body. Water is very easy on your kidneys and can also help them clean impurities out of your stem cell.Is There Any Medicine to Cure Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 3 Hot Compress Therapy for Kidney Disease Herbal Medicine Treats Kidney Disease

Preventive health measures are underutilized in patients with renal failure. Vigilance with regard to screening and treatment can prevent acute issues from arising. Preventive goals and treatment strategies specific to patients with Chronic kidney disease (CKD) or End Stage Renal Disease(ESRD) (Is There a Medicine for End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)) can differ from those for the general population. As such, useful general preventive health measures that are specific to the Chronic kidney disease (CKD) and End Stage Renal Disease(ESRD) population and that complement the complexities of managing renal dysfunction are discussed herein.

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