
Stem Cell Therapy and Chinese Medicine treat High Blood Glucose

How can Stem Cell Therapy and Micro-Chinese Medicine treat high blood glucose? Stem Cell Therapy are the most primitive cells in the human body. They can differentiate into new functional renal cells and replace the dead nephrons, thus recovering the renal function.Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
However, high blood glucose can cause a series of pathological changes to renal intrinsic cells, as a result, the glomerular basement membrane thickens, channel of blood vessels narrows and the blood vessels constricts. Obstruction of microcirculation leads to insufficient supply of blood and oxygen and damage to capillaries around the glomeruli and renal tubules. Consequently, inflammatory infiltration activates renal fibrosis. After that, phenotype transformation occurs to renal intrinsic cells and large amount of extracellular matrix is synthetized, which replaces the renal intrinsic cells. At last, glomerular sclerosis and necrosis occur.Stem Cell Therapy Treats Kidney Disease or Kidney Failure Stem Cell Therapy - PKD Treatment Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital Treatment Options for Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Is Stage 4 CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) Curable
From patients' biopsy report, we can see that these pathological changes exist in kidney. So in order to treat the disease, we have to dilate the blood vessels so as to improve renal microcirculation and insufficient supply of blood and oxygen to renal intrinsic cells, further providing a favorable environment for restoration of intrinsic cells. Then, we should reduce the inflammatory infiltration and prevent it from further damaging the renal cells. After that, because of blood cells (number, size, etc.), plasma (plasma protein, blood glucose, etc.), blood vessels (length, diameter, smooth degree of the blood vessel wall), the blood viscosity increases to some extent, coagulation is easily to occur in capillaries. So anti-coagulation is necessary to reduce thrombus.
Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD) Stage 3
Lastly, more and more immune complex and extracellular matrix deposit at capillary endothelial cells, epithelial cells and mesangial cells. So, we have to degrade them so that they can be excreted with urine. After the above mentioned steps are finished, a better environment can be provided for the growth of the Stem Cell Therapy. Micro-Chinese medicine osmotherapy has all the above mentioned effects. Beside, it can also supply necessary nutrients during the restoration of renal intrinsic cells.

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