
Chronic Kidney Disease and Immunotherapy

Chronic kidney disease is disorder of immune , the basic treatment of which is immunetherapy. To explain it clearly, we plan to begin with several frequent asked questions.
1. What is kidney disease?
Kidney disease refers to a series of lesion in the kidney which is caused by the damage of renal intrinsic cells and tissues.
2. What caused kidney disease?
About 95% of the kidney disease is caused by the abnormal immune function. So we can say the reason why chronic kidney disease comes into being is due to the disorder of immune function in the body.
3. What is the condition of human body when we are healthy?
To explain this question clearly, firstly, we should figure out the following concepts or definitions.
The first one: what is immune?
Immune means that organic body tries to get rid of the invasion when the pathological substances outside invades the organic body.
The second one: what is immune ability?
Immune ability is a kind of ability which can help us keep healthy and prevent us from being damaged.
The third one: What is immune function?
Immune function means that what roles the immune ability plays when it assures the healthy state of the human body.
The last one: what is normal immune ?
Normal immune syImmunotherapy means all the net which is stated when the immune functions play roles to make sure the human body is in healthy or normal condition.
4. How does the normal immune play roles?
Normal immune is inborn, which we can also say intrinsic one. Everybody has a normal immune , which can help us far from disease. In addition, to assure its security, we human body also has a spare . The spare can be divided into two parts. One is complement activation and the other is adaptive immune .

What we should figure out here is that the intrinsic immune is very strong and only when the intrinsic immune is damaged, will the spare immune starts to work. When the intrinsic immune is normal, the spare will have been in a rest all the time.
The inborn immune plays roles by the large amount of immune cells, which can be divided into two parts: one is called phagocyte and the other is called killer cell.
The function of phagocyte is that it can swallow the pathological substances in the blood and tissues. Killer cells can kill the cells which are infected by bacteria and they can also kill tumor cells. In addition, they can also break the big pathological substances, which can help the phagocyte swallow.
They cooperate with each other, which can clear the pathological substances in the blood and cells and assures the cleanness of blood and tissues.
The relationships between phagocyte and killer cells.
According to the core, phagocyte can be divided into mononuclear phagocyte cell and apocyte. The tasks of them are different.
According to the different tasks, mononuclear phagocyte cell can be divided into mononuclear cell and macrophage.
We should remember their similarities and differences.
The similarities of them are as follows:
Firstly, they are both from marrows.
Secondly, they both have one core.
Thirdly, they both can swallow pathological substances.
Their similarities are as follows:
Firstly, the shape of mononuclear cell is round while the shape of macrophage is rugged.
Secondly, mononuclear cell only exists in blood while macrophage exists in all kinds of tissues.
In different tissues, macrophage can play different functions. For example, in liver, we call them kupffer cell. In brain tissues, we call it microgliacyte. In lung, spleen and pancrease, it has different names as well.
Multinuclear swallow cells can be divided into three types according to their function.
One is Eosnophils, which is used to swallow the acidic dye, prevent the infection of parasite, and take part in the adaptive immune response.
The second one is basophils, which is used to swallow basic dye, and take part in the allergic reaction of adaptive immune response.
The third one is neutrophil, which is used to swallow bacteria and other pathogenic microorganism.
The above mentioned two kinds of cells cooperate with each other well, which forms the huge swallow syImmunotherapy and maintains the cleaness of blood, tissues, and lymphatic syImmunotherapy.
The function of killer cells.

As we mentioned above, in the intrinsic cells, there are also some killer cells, which exist as the partner of phagocyte. These killer cells not only exist in blood but also exist in tissues. The main function of killer cell is to distinguish and kill the cells which have been infected, kill tumor cells and bigger pathological substances. Then, phagocyte will swallow them.

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