
How to Treat IgA Nephropathy with Immunotherapy

IgA nephropathy is autoimmune disease that due to disorder in immune. IgA deposits in renal glomerular mesangical membrane, which leads to immune reaction in the kidney. The immune inflammation reaction will damage the renal glomerular mesangical membrane. If it lasts for a long time, the damage will be serious, thus causing symptoms such as hematuria, proteinuria, edema and high blood pressure, etc.Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
Based on this pathology, treatment will focus on adjust dysfunction in immune, as well as blocking further kidney function decline and, on that basis, promoting kidney function. Corresponding treatments consists of immunoadsorption technique which aims at clear IgA factors in blood and prevent further deposition in kidneys. Clinical practice shows that this technique can effectively block the advanced progression of IgA nephropathyWhere Can IgA Nephropathy Patients Get Stem Cell Therapy
At the same time Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy will be applied during the whole treatment course. This therapy aims at promoting blood circulation within kidneys, degrading these existing deposition, and promoting the patient's whole body immunity. As we know, for some patient with stable kidney condition, a common infection can easily lead to serious kidney function decline. This herbal osmotherapy creates good internal environment for the self-repairing of damage kidney cells, as well as protecting kidney from any external influence like infection. The herbal osmotherapy is applied externally on lower back instead of taken orally. At the same time, T-reg Immunotherapy and Stem Cell Therapy. These two Immunotherapy also helps with rectifying dysfunction in immunity, but the main curatifve effect is to promote kidney function.Acupuncture and Kidney Disease Herbal Medicine and Kidney Disease

Immunotherapy are orignal cells and they can differentiate into kidney functional cells. You may have searched for lots of information on kidney disease and the prognosis. Kidney function decline has long been considered as irreversible, this is because kidney differs from other organ in that kidney can not regenerate new functional cells itself. So, each necrotic of kidney cell will be an absolute loss on overall kidney function. However, we can use Immunotherapy to replenish kidney functional cells. Immunotherapy are transfused into body through intravenous drip, and no surgical operation is needed during the whole procedure.

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