Please first look at the photo in the left, which is the waste collection
from the body of patients with lupus nephritis in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease
Hospital,China. After lupus develops into lupus nephritis period, there will be
damage in the kidney. Lupus is a kind of autoimmune disease, after which, immune
inflammatory factors will fight with antigen, thus causing immune complex in the
kidney. Due to low immune system and immune ability, immune complex will not be
cleared away, thus causing damage to the kidney for there will be unstopped
immune response in kidneys. How to Prevent Lupus Nephritis from Aggravating into Kidney Failure Renal Acupuncture for Lupus Nephritis Patients
Plasma exchange can help clear away the immune complex, thus stopping the
immune response and the damage to the kidney. Plasmapheresis or plasma exchange
is the removal, treatment, and return of (components of) blood plasma from blood
circulation. It is thus an extracorporeal therapy (a medical procedure performed
outside the body). The method is also used to collect plasma, which is frozen to
preserve it for eventual use in the manufacture of a variety of medications.How to Make My Kidneys Stronger with Lupus Nephritis
In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, plasma exchange is applied together
with Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, which can also clear away the immune
complex. Besides these, Micro-Chinese Medicine can also repair the damaged cells
in the kidney and enhance the immunity by repairing the immune system. It is
applied every day, each of which lasts for 45 minutes.
How Can I Restore Kidney function with Lupus Nephritis
The active materials in
it can play roles of clearing immune complex as well as repairing the damaged
cells. Generally, if you like, you can also take herbal bath, after sweating,
toxins will comes out and herbal medicine will come into body through skin