
Completely New Natural Remedy for 6.9cm Renal Cyst

Renal cyst is a common disorder in the kidneys in which there is fluid-filled
sacs. The cysts will experience gradual enlargement with the age and when the cyst is too big, it will compress the renal intrinsic cells and tissues and affect the kidney’s functions. Renal cyst of 6.9cm is big enough to oppress the kidney’s tissues and cause damages to the kidneys.
When the cyst is smaller than 3cm, it does not cause sensible symptoms and patients do not need to take special treatment. However it is very necessary to take regular checks to have close observation of the growth condition of the cysts.Can a Hemorrhagic Kidney Cyst Cause Severe Pain in Kidney Region
Under normal circumstances, the growth of the cyst is slow, however the cysts may enlarge rapidly under some certain inducements or if the patients continue their bad life habits. In such condition, proper and timely treatment should be taken or the enlarged cysts will damage the kidneys and lead to a series of symptoms and complications. Such as hypertension, blood in urine, protein leakage in urine as well as the increase of a series of indicators like creatinine (How to Reduce High Creatinine Level in Blood), uric acid and urea nitrogen, etc.
Traditional and new treatments for renal cystsMicro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
Traditional treatments such as hormones, puncture(Functions of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Therapy) and decortication have long been regarded the best treatment for renal cysts and they do have good effect on large cyst as 6.9cm. However as the development of medical science and technologies, their shortcoming and disadvantages are known by more and more people. Since they only aim at removing the renal lesions without solving the root cause, the cyst is easy to relapse and patients have to do the operation again and again and fall into a vicious circle. In the end, the patients suffer a lot pains and loss of money, while their kidney’s conditions become worse and worse.Can Kidney Cyst Cause Protein in Urine
To help renal cyst patients get rid of the renal cysts, a completely new treatment has been created in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital. This new therapy is natural and it does not cause further damages to the kidneys.
Mechanism of this natural treatment How to Shrink the Cyst With Polycystic Kidney Disease(PKD)
Then how does this new natural remedy take effect on shrinking the renal cysts and lowering creatinine. This new therapy is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy(Chinese herbal medicines). As we all know kidneys are composed of renal intrinsic cells and the root cause of renal cyst is the pathological changes of the renal cells. Only if the damages renal parts are repaired and the continuous secretion of the cystic fluid is blocked, can the cyst be shrunk and further formation of the cyst is prevented.How to shrink Kidney Cyst(Renal Cyst)
The bioactive ingredients in the medicines will permeate into the kidneys through the meridians in the back under the force of the pulse wave. Through speeding up the blood flow in the kidneys and regulating the abnormality of the epithelial cells of the cyst, the cysts will be shrunk gradually and the high creatinine level, high uric acid and other symptoms will disappear naturally.
Advantages of this new treatment
In a word, it has the advantages of effectiveness, little side effects and shorter hospitalization. Usually after about 7 to 10 days application of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, patients’ illness conditions will have great improvement and after one month stay in the hospital patients can go home. During the whole course of treatments, patients will not suffer from any pains or side effects.

If you are still suffering from renal cysts and want to get rid of the unbearable pains of hormones and operation, you can have a try. Our experts is available online, you are welcomed to consult them or email to me. We will try to help you have an early recovery!

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