
Can chronic kidney kill you?

We have do a research about ‘whether kidney disease can kill people or not’, we got different answers. Some people say yes and some people say no. why are the answers so different? The main reason is that they have different experience. For people who say no have no friends in kidney disease. While for patient who say yes, they have already seen some patients died of kidney disease around them.

Believe it or not, all the kidney disease will turn into uremia at last if you can’t control it well. Some kidney disease has no obvious symptoms until it has been in the end stage. You should pay much attention to these kidney diseases. Generally Speaking, it is very difficult to reserve a kidney disease if it has been in the end stage. As the finally result is uremia for all the uncontrolled kidney disease, so kidney disease can kill you in some degrees.

A timely and effective treatment can kill kidney disease easily. For kidney disease patients, you can decide to be killed or not by kidney disease. When you found something different in your body, you need take a test right now. Some obvious symptoms of kidney disease are including foam in urine and blood urine and by swelling, weakness, backache and so on. Some changes in your urine like the amount and color and other changes usually mean kidney disease are attacking you or your function of kidneys are decreasing.

Can kidney disease kill you? It’s up to you! If you can found the disease immediately and you can control it timely, the kidney disease can never kill you. But when you have already have kidney disease, just no obvious symptoms, and you always ignore them and even don’t take any measures. It is no doubt that kidney disease will kill you!

For kidney disease patients, please never ignore the symptoms in the early stage of kidney disease, and please never give up your hopes when you are in the end stage of the kidney disease.

Latest treatment in our hospital is Immunotherapy, which are welcomed by many patients in kidney disease. More details, consult experts on line please!

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