
Why Uremia Patients Have Sleeping Problem

Why do uremia patients have sleeping problem? Actually most of patients will suffer from sleeping problem when chronic kidney disease develops into stage 4 or stage 5, and the reasons are as follows:
1. In uremia stage or stage 5 chronic kidney disease, kidney fails to remove extra fluid in the body, thus causing the retention of fluid in chest or enterocoelia, which leads to increased body weight and difficulty in lying down on the bed, thus causing sleeping difficulty.
2. Depression is also a reason which leads to the sleep disorder for uremia patients. They suffer from complications as well as symptoms such as edema, worrying life expectancy and the load to the family members. Please have confidence on the modern technology, which can really help you solve the problem.
3. In uremia stage, due to failed kidney, waste and toxins can not be out of the body, which leads to the unstable sleeping. In addition, metabolic acidosis can also lead to sleep disorder.
4. In uremia period, due to the retention of toxins throughout the body, there is damage in other systems such as nerve system and internal secretion system, both of which can lead to the problem in sleeping. For example, people with vomiting and nausea will surely have difficulties in falling asleep.
5. Dialysis can also lead to sleep quality, especially for those who are under dialysis for a long time. The statistics show that 57% to 80% of uremia patients have sleep problem after long time dialysis. 74.5% people with continuous peritoneal dialysis have sleep disorder.

Is there any solution? Immunotherapy is worth trying which can help reduce the times of dialysis, repair the damaged cells in the kidney and recover normal immune system.

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