
CKD Stage 2 Is the Best Time for the Treatment

According to GFR, chronic kidney disease can be divided into 5 stages. In stage2, GFR(glomerular filtration rate)declines to 60-89 ml/min. The normal range is 80 to 120 ml/min. Younger men has higher GFR than old people. Serum creatinine is 133-177umol/L. The normal range is 44 to 103 umol/L.
In the early stage of chronic kidney disease especially stage 1 and stage 2, there is nearly no symptom in clinic for kidney has a strong compensation ability. In China, some people think kidney is dumb. People usually do not pay attention to it. However, once serum creatinine rises - High Creatinine Levels, it indicates that the damage in the kidney is more than half. If we do not treat it timely, kidney will become atrophic for there are damaged intrinsic cells in the kidney. Of course, the earlier, the better.
Here, we’d like to introduce several methods to help discover chronic kidney disease early.
1. Test urine twice a year. If there is something wrong in the kidney, serum creatinine, urea acid will rise. Blood or protein will appear in urine when the renal glomerular membrane is damaged.
2. People with PKD, high blood pressure, diabetes or whose parents have such diseases should beware for they are hereditary.
3. In stage 2 of chronic kidney disease, people may have a little pain in back, feel fatigue and increased urine at night.
If we have found that we have come into stage 2, we should treat it timely and effectively. In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, we have Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Hot Compress Therapy for most kidney diseases are caused by immune problem. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Hot Compress Therapy in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital can be divided into 6 steps such as immune diagnosis, immune clearance, immune inhibition, immune tolerance, immune adjustment and immune protection. In this passage, we mainly introduce the immune adjustment and immune protection, which are the core treatment in our kidney disease hospital.
After immune diagnose and immune clearance, we can exactly know the type of kidney disease, the amount of the immune complex and the area of immune complex and clear away the toxins in the blood, including immune complex.
Then, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is applied. Micro-Chinese Medicine is a natural herbal therapy applied externally on acupoint of lower back. Herbal bags containing dozens of herbal medicines are soaked previously in penetrants, and then placed on the lower back part. With the help of osmosis device, effective ingredients of herbal medicines will infiltrate into kidneys through the main channels. After the application of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, people with kidney failure may sweat in the center of palm and feet, which indicates that the micro-circulation is improved.In detail, it can repair the damaged intrinsic cells after it is into the body for it contains natural herbs and active substances.

At last, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is applied if there are too many damaged cells and even some necrotic cell in stage 2 chronic kidney disease for Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can not only repair but also differentiate. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapyis especially good for diseases such as lupus nephritis, purpura nephritis,etc.

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