
Five Keys of Treatment of Kidney Disease

Due to the low awareness of kidney disease and unquestioning treatment, more and more people with early symptoms suffer from renal failure and uremia. As a result, it is very necessary for patients to know the keys of treatment of kidney disease.
Take medicines seriously
Most of the medicines are removed by kidneys after metabolism, so kidneys are easy to be damaged by medicines. No matter whether there is renal lesion, patients should be cautious about taking medicines, such as aminoglycoside antibiotics, analgesic-antipyretic, contrast medium containing iodine and so on. If you catch a cold, don’t take antibiotic at once, because cold is mostly caused by virus. You need drink more water and have appropriate rest.
Receive proper treatment
Most of the kidney diseases are chronic or knotty ones, the therapy of Chinese Medicine is quite effective.And the same time, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Stage 5 Kidney Disease . For instance, as for Nephrotic Syndrome, according to the pathological condition, adopting the combined therapy of hormone and cytotoxic agents and decoction can enhance the curative effect and reduce the side-effect of hormone and cytotoxic agents.
Prevent illness change
Nephrotic Syndrome easily s causes complications like infections, thrombus or embolism, acute renal failure, lipid or protein metabolism disorder and so on.

Once these complications appear, patients should receive timely and proper treatment. Besides hormone and cytotoxic agents, patients can take decoction of Chinese Medicine to decrease toxic and side effect of western medicines.

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