
Heal Polycystic Kidney Disease(PKD) with Chinese Herbs

How to heal polycystic kidney disease( PKD) with Chinese herbs? Puncture is used to draw the cystic fluid out, such surgery only help patients shrink the big cysts, but it can do nothing to those small cysts, and small cysts will grow more quickly due to enough growth space. Puncture has proved its unsatisfactory effect in clinic, which makes people search new therapy which can treat PKD as well as has no adverse effects. Some came to China hearing that Chinese herbs can shrink cysts naturally.
On the basis of this, in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, we created Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, which can shrink cysts without any side effects, the core medicines of which come from natural herbs. After superfinely shattered, these medicines become so tiny that they can permeate into patients’ body though the help of osmosis device, so patients don't need to drink those bitter herbal medicines. No pain and no side effects will be caused for PKD(polycystic kidney disease) patients.
These natural herbal medicines, after entering into patients’ body, through promoting the permeability of cyst wall, cyst liquid will be reabsorbed into blood vessels, so all-sized renal cysts will shrink, those cyst liquid will be sent out of body along the urine. And then through dilating liver blood vessels and degrading the extracellular matrix, the internal environment of ischemia and hypoxia in the liver will be improved,
The whole body blood circulation will be improved, the perfusion flow of the blood to the liver will be increased, more nutrients in blood will be transferred into liver lesions, so liver will get more nutrients to help self-heal and the hypertension also will be improved. Simultaneously in such improved environment, the epithelial cell of cystic wall will be prevented from further secreting, so small cysts won’t grow any more. Such treatment not only help patients shrink the cysts, but also prevent the cysts from growing.

For more information about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Polycystic Kidney Disease(PKD), please consult us further and you can also write down your personal information so that we can communicate via email. Note that all your information is confidential.

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