
Honeysuckle (Traditional Chinese Medicines) Cure CKD in End Stage

As we all know, for patients with CKD in end stage, commonly, there is no other choice but dialysis and kidney transplant. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital have got marked break though in treating renal failure. We have help many patients reserve uremia successfully in China.
Maybe, for most patients in the world, they haven’t very clearly understanding of Micro-Chinese Medicine, so firstly I will introduce some main materials of traditional Chinese medicine in later articles.
Here I will give you a brief introduction of Honeysuckle, which is one kind of traditional Chinese medicine grows in China, to help you have further knowledge about traditional Chinese Medicine.
Height: All five species of bush honeysuckle grow to heights of 1.8 - 6.0 m (6-20 ft).
Twigs: The twigs of all the bush honeysuckles are generally hairless, thornless, and have a hollow brown pith when mature. The leaf scars are small and inconspicuous. The buds are blunt to angular.
Leaves: Leaves of all species are opposite, narrowly elliptical, egg-shaped. The significant difference between species is dependent on the presence of pubescence (Morrow's are pubescent beneath and Pretty's can be).
Flower : Pairs of fragrant, tubular flowers less than an inch long are borne along the Immunotherapy in the leaf axils The differences between the flowers of these five species are dependent on corolla and pedicel length. Tartarian honeysuckle is typically pink, but may vary from red to white, Amur and Morrow's flowers are white, changing to yellow. Standish flowers are creamy white and Pretty may vary between the character of both parents. Blooms May-June.
Fruit: The round berries are typically dark red, occasionally yellow, and found in pairs in the axils of the leaves. They may remain on the shrub through winter. Each berry contains 2-6 seeds. Fruit matures September - October.
1. Resist pathogenic microorganism
Flowers and cane of the Honeysuckle has the function of resistance of pathogenic bacterium, such as staphylococcus aureus, hemolytic streptococcus, escherichia coli, dysentery bacillus, choleraic vibrio and so on. It has good effecting in prevention of CKD. Is There a Natural Remedy for CKD
2. Anti-inflammatory and antipyretic
Strengthen the immune function:It can promote the phagocytosis functionof White blood cells. So for patients with disease,such as CKD, it can help them enhance the immune ability. So it has very good effect in treating CKD.
3.Decreacing blood fat
The level of blood fat reserches shows that Honeysuckle has a obvious effects in treating atherosclerosis. As we all kown,atherosclerosis is one of complications of CKD.
4 Antiendotoxin

The data from lab shows that it has a effective treatment for cleaning out the toxin in our body. So it has good effects in decreasing the level of creatininein CKD patients.

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