
The Function of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

In the immunotherapy of chronic kidney disease, we use Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as the assistant therapy.
Firstly, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is used to extend blood vessels. Once there is the deposition of immune complex in the capillaries of renal glomeruli, there must be the damage of all levels of blood vessels and tissues, which must lead to the block of blood circulation. Thus, there appears the insufficiency of blood and oxygen in many parts of renal cells. The main purpose of extending blood vessels is trying to improve the blood circulation in the kidney, relieve the insufficiency of blood and oxygen in the renal intrinsic cells, which can create a good environment for the repair of the intrinsic cells and relieve the symptoms.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Stage 5 Kidney Disease
Secondly, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is used to prevent inflammation. After the renal capillaries are damaged, a large amount of inflammatory mediators will relieve, which can worsen the damage of the cells. So anti-inflammation is very important and necessary, which can reduce the infiltration of inflammatory cells and reduce the further damage to the renal intrinsic cells.
Thirdly, if the inflammatory cells increase in the blood, the density of blood will also increase accordingly, which can increase the thrombosis of in the renal glomerular capillary blood vessels. The application of anti-coagulation medicine can relieve the pressure of thrombosis, thus laying a foundation for the repair of the epithelial cell.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for CKD
Last but not least, damaged mesangial cells combine the type 1 and type 2 collagen which can not be degraded, thus causing the accumulation of a large amount of matrix. In addition, renal glomeruli become into sclerosis state. So we must take effective measures to degrade the deposited matrix, thus making them discharge out of the body.

After the application of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, the mesangial cells in the renal capillaries can be repaired, and the normal physical function can be recovered. After all these are recovered, hematuria - Hematuria and Kidney Disease, proteinuria, and other clinical symptoms will disappear accordingly.

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