Treatment and Causes of Low Creatinine Clearance Level
What is the treatment and cause of low creatinine clearance level? Firstly,
we should figure out a definition: what is creatinine clearace? We can also call
creatinine clearance rate Ccr for short. Actually, it is a test which can
reflect the filtration ability of renal glomeruli. Doctors operate it easily and
in clinic it really a method which is widely used to test how our kidney is
The normal level of creatinine clearance rate (Ccr)
For adult, it is 80~120ml/min while for new born baby, it is 40~65ml/min.
There is also a formula which can show it. Ccr=(140-age)×body
weight(kg)/72×Scr(mg/dl) or Ccr=[(140-age)×body weight
Note: Scr stands for serum creatinine
creatinine clearance rate (Ccr) and renal damage in clinic
If the creatinine clearance rate is 50~70 ml/min, it means that there is
slight damage in kidney function. How to Reduce High Creatinine Level in Blood.
If the creatinine clearance rate is 31~50 ml/min, it means that there is
middle-level damage in kidney function.
If the creatinine clearance rate is less than 30 ml/min, it means that there
is serious damage in kidney function.
Since that we have understood the definition of creatinine (High Creatinine Levels) clearance rate and
the damage of different level, some of us may ask: what shall we do to increase
the level of low creatinine clearance rate. If we don’t do it, there will be
more and more creatinine depositing in the kidney and renal function will
decline further.In other words, to increase Ccr means to decrease the level of
serum creatinine.
Micro-Chinese Medicine osmotherapy can make it. Micro-Chinese Medicine is a
kind of herb medicine, which is super finely shattered to make the active
ingredients more easily to permeate. The active ingredients can directly
permeate into renal lesion and enter to the kidney by blood circulation through
the external application of osmosis devices. When the active ingredients enter
into the renal lesion, they can repair the injured kidney through dilating blood
vessels, anti-inflammation, anticoagulation, and provide the nutrient for
repairing damaged kidney. When the damaged kidney is repaired, renal function is
improved at the same time. Consequently, high level of creatinine will decline
gradually and Ccr will also increase consequently.
In addition, if the Ccr is too low, which means that there has been many
necrotic intrinsic cells in the kidney, we should apply Immunotherapy to
generate new cells besides applying Micro-Chinese Medicine osmotherapy.