
Self Health Care for Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

For patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), the most important thing is to build up the confidence to fight against the disease. CKD is featured by a long course and easy relapses. Patients should be encouraged to heighten their confidences and coordinate with doctors closely, and finally the disease will be defeated.
Rest and work Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD) Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD) Stage 4
Once patients are diagnosed as Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), they should guarantee enough rest and positively treat disease in the early stage, as well as check the illness condition regularly. When illness condition has improved with eliminating edema, restoring to normal or near normal levels of blood pressure as well as steady renal function, and after three months of recovery, patients can adopt some light works, but they should still avoid hard works and protect themselves from respiratory and urinary infection. Exercises should be increased gradually to promote physical strength recovery. Patients should stay in bed and positively treat disease if they have Blood Urine, mass of Protein urine, obvious Edema and High Blood Pressure or Progressive Renal Impairment.
Diet Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Herbal Medicine and Kidney Disease
If Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) exacerbates sharply, patients with edema or high blood pressure should have 2~4g daily salt intake. Highly edema patients should avoid eating salted fish, pickles and control the daily salt intake under 2g, and increase sodium salt intake gradually after edema elimination. Patients don't need to limit water drinking except for having obvious edema. Low-plasma protein patients without azotemia should have more than 60~80g daily protein intake, with high-protein food being the main source. If patients appear azotemia, they should limit the total protein intake, and less than 40g daily protein intake will be proper. Daily total heat intake should be around 0.416kJ/kg, and the patients should pay more attention on replenishing nutrition and vitamin. There is no limit on taking vegetables and fruit.Herbal Medicine Treats Kidney Disease
There are some aspects about self health care for Chronic Nephritis patients except for diet regulation:Treatment Options for Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Is Stage 4 CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) Curable
Chronic Kidney Disease is featured by a long course, easy relapses and no quick curing method, so patients may easily run into the emotion of dysphorien, disappointment or even self-abandon. All of these emotions are bad for patients’ physical and emotional health and will influence the illness condition. As the proverb goes: “Rest is a better cure than medicine”, it is very important to keep positive attitude. Continuous self-regulation can keep mind in a stable status, which is good for the patient’s recovery.Home Remedies to Treat Cold Feet and Kidney Disease Prevent Flu or cold, if You Are Kidney Disease Patient
Paying enough attention to protecting yourself from infection
Infection usually occurs to respiratory tract, urinary and skin(Skin Itching and Kidney Disease), so patients should avoid getting cold, going to the public places when flu occurs and pay much attention on keeping clean of mouth, perineum and skin. Patients need to go to hospital immediately if they appear Infection prodrome, don’t delay illness condition.
Having proper physical activity and avoiding over-work
The experience is common to patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) that proteinuria(Proteinuria and Kidney Disease) and blood urine aggravate after hard work and then alleviate after a period of rest in bed. However, long time lying in bed will do nothing good to patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD).

All in all, Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) patients need to find out a daily regime which is suitable for their own condition and every day patients should have proper activity to build up their strength. At the same time, pay attention to keep a proper balance between work and rest, which is good for patient's recovery.

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