
Chinese Medicine for Polycystic Kidney Disease

Chinese Medicine for Polycystic Kidney Disease

Is Chinese medicine better for treating polycystic kidney disease? Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disorder characterized by fluid-filled cysts that form in the nephrons of both kidneys and eventually lead to kidney failure in the majority of patients. Polycystic kidney disease symptoms may include: high blood pressure, frequent urination, backache, and blood urine, etc.

Is Chinese medicine better for treating polycystic kidney disease? Micro-Chinese medicine osmosis is based on the original creation of Shijiazhuang Kidney disease hospital-traditional Chinese medicine micro-processing technology. The core of this technology- to make the original medicine molecules into the micro-Chinese medicine osmosis particles that is more than 1000 times smaller than the diameter of the former.

Through this, to let the effective components of traditional Chinese medicine overflow, thereby, improving the penetrability of the medicine and make it infiltrate through renal foci rapidly. Compared with western medicine, traditional Chinese medicine is tardive in therapy effect. A certain part of the traditional Chinese medicine is effective in the treatment of kidney, but walk with difficulty. The reason lies in that these methods cannot release the effective component of the medicine, that is to say, the speed of treatment cannot catch up to that of the deterioration of kidney.

In additional, micro - Chinese medicine osmosis is characterized by non-suffering, painless, and short-term courses.

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