
Nephrotic syndrome should be diagnosed how

Nephrotic syndrome should be diagnosed how? Timely discovery of nephrotic syndrome, early treatment, it is particularly important to check the understanding of the means and measures for nephrotic syndrome. Well, nephrotic syndrome diagnosis should pay attention to what? Diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome, how can it?
Nephrotic syndrome should be how to check the diagnosis? Check when diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome, the following points are very important:
Diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome should be specific history, search with or without latent causes as much as possible to find out the primary etiology.
Diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome should pay attention to the patient's age and gender, to pay attention to the young female patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. 7-10 years old, children and young people will have to pay attention to is allergic purpura, middle-aged patients to pay attention to exclude diabetic nephropathy, multiple myeloma, nodular artery go far.
(5) also renal biopsy diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome
(3) the diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome should pay attention to laboratory tests, patients with systemic disease manifestations, should be targeted for the appropriate checks.
(2) the diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome should also be noted renal manifestations of systemic disease, and not only pay attention to force entirely focused on the performance of kidney disease.

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