
Do Patients Depend on Dialysis?

When your kidneys are healthy, they clean your blood. They also make hormones that keep your bones strong and your blood healthy. When your kidneys fail, you need dialysis to filter your blood, which used to do by kidneys. For patients with Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease, they may adopt dialysis every few days, unless they have a Kidney Transplantation or Immunotherapyation.
Some patients with Chronic Kidney Disease think that once they adopt dialysis, they will depend on it. They cannot get rid of dialysis. In their opinions, dialysis to them is what heroin to drugsters.
It is hard to give it up. And they also argue that their conditions of the disease will aggravate because their kidneys do not work any longer after dialysis. They think dialysis will aggravate their disease. Is that true?
The answer is absolutely not.
First, we should know about what the meaning of “depend on” is. We depend on water and air, because we cannot live without them. If someone gets food poisoning, he may adopt a dialysis to remove the toxins in his body. After that, he recovers. He does not need dialysis any longer. He will not depend on it.
On the other hand, whether patients with Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease will die without dialysis? No. They can get rid of dialysis if their renal function recovers. So they will not depend on dialysis. In addition, their disease deteriorates because they do not adopt suitable treatment to treat their kidney disease but not because of dialysis.Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Failure Treatment.
Then what is the suitable treatment?

At present, there are two treatment methods to treat Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease all over the world: Kidney Transplantation and Immunotherapyation. In our hospital, Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, the doctors recommend to use Immunotherapy combined with Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to treat Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease. And there are many recovery cases in shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital.

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