
The Modern Mechanism of Chinese Herb Bath

Skin is the largest organ of the human body. Apart from the protecting function, it also has many other functions like absorbing, permeating, sensing, secreting, and discharging etc. Medicated bath just takes the advantage of the physiological function of the skin to treat disease, so the skin physiological characteristic is the premise and basis for medicated bath. Medicated Bath in Treating Polycystic Kidney Diseases .
1. Percutaneous absorption theory of Medicated Bath
1 > Enter the cells by permeating through the horny layers and cell membranes.
2> Macromolecules and water-soluble substances can be absorbed through sweat pores.
3> Permeate into the derma through interstices of epidermic cells.
2. Hydration theory.
On one hand, the warming effect of hydration makes the pores open, and promotes the penetration and diffusion of the medicine, which is beneficial to medicine absorption; On the other hand, the higher the skin humidity - Skin Itching and Kidney Disease, the higher the hydration degree of cuticles, and the permeating and absorbing abilities of skin will be stronger. Then the medicine activity and permeability coefficient and the diffusion coefficient will increase, so it will promote the medicine absorption. This shows that Chinese medicated bath is actually a combining therapy of Chinese medicine treatment and modern physiotherapy.
3. Principle of reflection.

Lots of autonomic nerve endings and special sensors spread over the skin. With the effect of medicated bath, nerve endings turn from idle state to active state, which promotes the regulation of nerves, body fluid and immunization by reflection and transfusion of the nervous Immunotherapy. At the same time, it improves the physiological activities and pathological changes of viscera, tissues and organs and strengthens the immunity and resistance of the human body so as to achieve the goal of preventing and treating disease.

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