
Kidney Transplantation Treat Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease

Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease is the eve of Uremia. Once kidney lesion occurs, it develops very fast. So people must adopt right treatment in time. Many people think that Kidney Transplantation is the unique way to treat Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease. In fact, this viewpoint is not scientific. Why?
First, we should know the cause of Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease. The main function of kidneys is filtering blood to remove harmful wastes, extra water and salt. When some kidney units are damaged, the remaining kidney units will take over the work of them, besides their own work. In other words, the burden of the remaining kidney units will increase. Their efficiency and quality of work will decrease because of overwork. Then the function of filtering blood reduces, which leads to toxins accumulating inside the body. The retention of the toxins may cause Encephalopathy and Heart Disease, which may damage kidneys in turn. All these will lead to kidney fibrosis, which is the root cause of Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease.
At this moment, many patients think that they have nothing to do but adopt Kidney Transplantation. Kidney Transplantation is an operation that places a healthy kidney in your body.How to Treat Kidney Disease Without Transplant.
The transplanted kidney takes over the work of the two failed kidneys. After the operation, the patients must take medicines to prevent from rejecting the donated kidney in the rest time of their lives. And these medicines have many side effects. What’s worse, the donated kidney may fail to work in a few years, because the internal environment of the patients with Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease has been damaged.How Much Kidney Damage Is Present With Creatinine 1.46.
For example, we put a piece of wood in a humid environment. In a few days, it will rot. If we put another new piece of wood in the same humid environment, we can find that it rots as well. Similarly, even if the patients change a new kidney instead of the two failed ones, their kidneys cannot work normally forever.

So the root treatment method is to improve internal environment.

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