
Stem Cell Therapy for Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) usually choose western medicine, such as puncture and LRCD. However, after these two therapies, cysts will grow again, which will press the normal renal tissues and lead to damage as well. In this case, PKD patients will receive treatment again. Why can not puncture and LRCD treat it well? These two methods are quiet similar, both of which can just make diminish the cysts which have grown up and can not solve the problem that some intrinsic cells have been damaged. With time passing by, the intrinsic cells will suffer from more damage because the pressing leads to more insufficiency of blood and oxygen in the kidney. What is worse, the intrinsic damaged ones may even develop into necrotic cells. In this case, renal insufficiency comes into being, which threatens patients with PKD’s life.Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
So more and more Polycystic Kidney Disease patients are looking for a new method. In this article, we will mainly introduce the effect of Stem Cell transplant. Stem Cell Therapy may be a brand new concept for many patients. However, as a matter of fact, Stem Cell Therapy have proved its effect in the treatment of many kinds of disease such as heart disease, kidney disease, and so on.
What are Stem Cell Therapy? Stem Cell Therapy - PKD Treatment
Stem Cell Therapy are a class of undifferentiated cells that are able to differentiate into specialized cell types. Commonly, Stem Cell Therapy come from two main sources:Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
1. Embryos formed during the blastocyst phase of embryological development (embryonic Stem Cell ) Can Stem Cell Transplant Treat PKD
2. Adult tissue (adult Stem Cell ).PKD Effects on Red Blood Cells
Both types are generally characterized by their potency, or potential to differentiate into different cell types (such as skin, muscle, bone, etc.).
How does Stem Cell Therapy treat kidney disease especially Polycystic Kidney Disease? Do Stem Cell Treatment Increase Kidney Function for PKD Patients
After the Stem Cell enters into the patient's body, the focus in the kidney will send some signal to attract the Stem Cell . After the Stem Cell arrive at the renal focus, they will generate a large number of progeny cells same as themselves, these progeny cells will continue to differentiate every kind of cells, renal tissues, and renal blood vessels needed by kidneys, so as to improve the partial microcirculation of kidney, decrease the high-pressure in the glomerulus, relieve the status of ischemia and anoxia, and make the general blood circulation recover and improve gradually. Some active factors released by Stem Cell can stimulate renal cells to excrete erythropoietin, which can promote the generation of red blood cells. By this way, the status of anemia in body will be relieved. In addition, the Stem Cell Therapy can inhibit the immune response, differentiate immune cells, and adjust the immune to become normal, so as to achieve the purpose of restoring kidney function.How Can You Use Stem Cell Therapy for ADPKD
Besides, before Stem Cell Therapy are transplanted into human body, another kind of therapy is applied, which is used to create a proper environment for the transplantation of Stem Cell Therapy in China. Firstly, after Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy enters the body, it will promote blood circulation and dissolve the stasis, which can improve the micro-circulation of the kidney. Secondly, it can clear the stasis, and waste things such as immune complex can be out of the body together with urine, which reduce the burden of the kidney. Thirdly, after the first steps, the inner environment can be clearer than before. And the nutritious materials can play roles in repairing damaged intrinsic cells by supplying oxygen, etc.Stem Cell Therapy for Kidney Failure Because of PKD

Here, may be some of us will be confused about the differences between Stem Cell Therapy and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. The biggest difference is that Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can only repair the damaged intrinsic cells while Stem Cell Therapy can differentiate into those necrotic ones so that renal function can be rebuilt.

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