
Anemia of Renal Disease

Anemia is a typical symptom of patient with renal disease especially in the advanced stage of kidney disease. Usually, from the face which looks bloodless and black, we can get a conclusion that patients with renal disease has already had anemia. Why does anemia appear? It can be divided into two kinds of cases generally.
Firstly, the generation of red blood cells decreases. Because kidney function is damaged, the EPO in kidney disease will produce less, thus leading to anemia.
Secondly, in the late stage of kidney disease, a lot of toxic materials accumulates, which leads to the damage to the red blood cells and the inhibition of hematopoietic function is also damaged. Shortened lifespan of red blood cells leads to anemia- Anemia and Kidney Disease CKD Coupled with Severe Chronic Anemia and Diabetes
Finding out the reason why anemia comes into being, next we should take effective measures at once. As we mentioned above, patients with renal disease have anemia is due to the damaged cells and so many toxics in the blood. Accordingly, we should repair cells and have blood purification.And there are many information about treatment: Hot Compress Therapy for Kidney Disease,Acupuncture for Kidney Disease,Foot Bath for Kidney Disease and Herbal Medicine Treats Kidney Disease
In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, we use six-step immunotherapy, which can achieve the effects. Among immunotherapy, Micro-Chinese Medicine is abstracted from nature, the main prescription is natural herbs, which has no side effect and contain elements which can repair the damaged intrinsic cells and can also increase the immune ability. In addition, it is applied through osmosis, which means that it will not lead to poor appetite and nausea for it is not taken orally. What’s more, compared with traditional Chinese medicine, it is efficient for it omits many steps such as smashing and boiling and so on.
On the other hand, Immunotherapy in immunotherapy can also play important role. After injected into patients’ body, Immunotherapy will also repair the damaged cells and increase the immunity at the same time, which relieve renal anemia as well. Usually, if necessary, before it, patients can also take blood purification such as blood filtration, blood perfusion, plasma change, and so on, which can provide a cleaner inner environment for the treatment of Immunotherapy.

The above mentioned are mainly about how to treat anemia of renal disease with the help of immunotherapy. For more information, please consult us online or email us.

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