
Case of Plasma Exchange Treats Nephrotic Syndrome

Name: Miss Han
Age: 24
Nationality: Henan province, China
Diagnosis: Nephrotic Syndrome
Medical history:
1 year ago, Miss Han suffered a cold (flu). After that, she had swollen lower limbs with swollen feeling in abdominal area with no rash or pain in joint. She went to local hospital and the urinalysis test shows that protein in urine was 3+ and she was diagnosed with renal glomerular minimal change. In this hospital, Miss Han lived there for 2 months.The medicine Miss Han took in was cyclophosphamide, thunder god vine, and so on. Two months later, the protein in urine turned negative. However, her Nephrotic Syndrome recurred more than one time, which made Miss Han came to our hospital on January 25, 2012. Then she had a physical examination in our hospital. The conventional test showed that Bp 130/90mmHg,serious edema. She was diagnosed with chronic renal glomerular nephritis, the type of which is nephrotic syndrome. Renal biopsy showed minimal change.Is There any Treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome How Do Nephrotic Syndrome Patients Bring Swelling Down
In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, Miss Han had plasma exchange for three times to clear away the immune complex in the blood so as to protect renal function. She received Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, which is used to clear the immune complex on the kidney, block the further damage caused by inflammatory response, repair the damaged intrinsic cells and protect renal function.
20 days later, edema on Miss Han disappeared. Other indexes turned nearly normal.

At present, the above mentioned therapy such as plasma exchange and Micro-Chinese Medicine are part of immunotherapy in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital. Compared other immune therapies in other hospital, it is more scientific, which goes following 6 steps: immune diagnosis, immune clearance, immune inhibition, immune tolerance, immune adjustment and immune protection.

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