
Recover Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease with Immunotherapy

On the basis of GFR, which is short for glomerular filtration rate, chronic kidney disease can be divided into 5 stages. In stage 4, GFR falls to as low as 20 to 15, which means that decreased blood flow in the kidney and increased toxins in the body such as creatinine, blood urea nitrogen(BUN) and urea acid, and so on. When serum creatinine rises to 445umol/L, most people begin to take dialysis, which stage 4 chronic kidney disease patients do not like to accept and want to get rid of indeed. (In China, diabetic kidney disease patients take dialysis when creatinine is 300umol/L.) On one hand, dialysis is a replacement therapy which can not repair the damaged cells and enhance the immunity. On the other hand, long time dialysis will lead to a series of complications such as low blood pressure, hypophosphatemia, alkalosis, infection and so on.What Treatments Are Available for Stage 4 CKD Treatment Options for Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
1. Why do we choose immunotherapy to treat stage 4 chronic kidney disease?
On the basis of pathological mechanism, most kidney diseases are caused by immune disorder or low immune ability especially for lupus nephritis, an autoimmune disease, purpura nephritis, diabetic kidney disease and so on. According to this, immunotherapy is applied in clinic, which is a systematic and scientific therapy combining western therapy and traditional herbal medicine and has little side effect.How to Lower Creatinine and Urea Levels in Stage 4 CKD Suggest Antidiabetic Treatment for a Patient with Stage 4 CKD
2. How immunotherapy treats stage 4 chronic kidney disease?
In stage 4 of chronic kidney disease, there are immune complex depositing in the kidney, which is the combination of antigen and antibody. As we know, kidney will not allow the deposition of abnormal things in it, so inflammatory factors are secreted, which lead to immune inflammatory response, thus causing damage to the kidney. In this case, there will be damaged cells and even necrotic cells in the kidney due to long time insufficiency of blood and oxygen. On one hand, western therapy can stop the immune inflammatory response, thus stopping the further damage to the kidney.
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On the other hand, traditional herbal medicine contains nutritious materials, which can clear away the immune complex, repair the damaged cells in the kidney by improving blood circulation and dissolve the blood stasis and relieving insufficiency of blood and oxygen. After these, not only damaged cells are repaired but also immune system turns normal.Is Any Treatment Available for Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 4
3. Where can I receive immunotherapy?

In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, we have immunotherapy, which has treated many kidney disease patients and help them recovered.

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