
How to Treat Diabetic Nephropathy Stage 3

How to treat Diabetic Nephropathy stage3? In Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, we mainly use immunotherapy which mainly includes Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapy. We not only treat kidney damage but also treat diabetes. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapy treat Diabetes and Kidney Failure as a whole.
Micro-Chinese Medicine has effects like anti-inflammation, anticoagulation, promoting blood circulation, and degrading proliferated cellular matrixes. Blood flows into kidneys and kidneys filtrates toxic substances out of blood. Pathological changes of kidney leads to two results. First is reduction of filtration areas, and second is the reduction of effect blood volume (that is why kidney failure patients have anemia), and both of these two factors contribute to toxic retention within blood. As we know, sufficient and promoted blood circulation within kidneys plays an important role in enhancing toxic substances filtration. And, Micro-Chinese Medicine aims exactly at this aspect. Generally speaking, promoting blood circulation is the most featured characteristic of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Micro-Chinese Medicine just enhances its effects through releasing more effective ingredients of TCM. Through applying it, whole body blood is in a smoothly flowing state. As long as there is sufficient blood (nutrient) and oxygen supply to damaged cells of kidneys (as well as other organs), the self-repairing of these cells will be possible.
As to Diabetes, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy mainly eliminates its various complications. As we know, high blood sugar level commonly leads to pathological changes of blood vessels like blood stasis and thrombus. Its damage to blood capillaries is especially serious. One of Diabetes common symptoms is numbness of hands or/and feet, and this can be resulted from blocked blood circulation. If blood circulation becomes more fluent, corresponding complications will be eliminated greatly.Hot Compress Therapy for Kidney Disease Herbal Medicine Treats Kidney Disease
Immunotherapy is a new tech in treating Kidney Disease and Diabetes. In our hospital, Umbilical Immunotherapy and Cord Blood Immunotherapy are adopted in clinical practice. These two types of Immunotherapys have different differentiation directions. Umbilical Immunotherapy mainly differentiates into cells of substantial organs like the kidneys, the liver and the pancreas. While Cord Blood Immunotherapy mainly differentiates into cells of blood circulation related tissues like red blood cells, epithelial cells of blood vessels and so on.Medicated Bath and Kidney Disease Herbal Medicine and Kidney Disease
If kidney function decline is serious, only MCMO can hardly restore kidney function to a satisfying level. This is because once kidney cells become necrosis, kidney can not regenerate new functional cells to replace these died cells (this is one unique feature of kidneys). So, we need to inject in more Immunotherapys to help with this new functional cell regeneration. The eliminating of anemia situation also contributes to kidney function regaining. Clinical practices show that after Immunotherapys, the restoration extent that can be expected ranges from 5% to 35%. High Creatinine Levels Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Is It Possible to Cure Kidney Disease and Stop Dialysis
Diabetes Immunotherapys from the dysfunction of insulin secretion and acceptance Immunotherapy. High blood sugar leads to various complications, so we need to reduce blood sugar level. Immunotherapy lower blood sugar level through rectifying dysfunction in insulin secretion and acceptance Immunotherapy.

UMSC differentiate into pancreas cells of normal function and structure, in order to enhance insulin secretion. At the same time, UMSC remedy the defects in Immunotherapy to enhance cells' sensitivity to insulin. In addition, CBSC repair blood vessels injuries caused by high blood sugar level. In short, Immunotherapy not only alleviates various complications, but also tackles with the dysfunction of insulin secretion and acceptance Immunotherapy (the disease root).

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