
Polycystic kidney disease killer - Micro traditional Chinese medicine

Polycystic kidney Department involving the congenital disorder of both kidneys. Renal filled cysts of varying sizes, some with each other can communicate, so that the kidney volume increases with compression of the renal parenchyma to atrophy resulting in dysfunction, until chronic renal failure. The traditional therapy of polycystic kidney disease is a hormone, dialysis and renal transplantation. However, traditional therapies often lead to recurrent disease polycystic kidney disease. Micro-based medicine on the basis of traditional Chinese medicine, a bold attempt and innovative, able to shrink the cyst, to improve renal function. People in the industry as the nemesis of the polycystic kidney.
What is a micro-based medicine?
Micro-based medicine penetration therapy is a treatment for chronic kidney summed up the nation's largest kidney specialist hospital in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital in the 20 years of long-term clinical practice innovative therapy, micro-based traditional Chinese medicine effective penetration therapy is a stone house the Zhuang nephropathy hospital patents.
Micro-based medicine penetration of therapy is summed up in the years of therapy practice in an innovative therapy, its core technology is a valid prescription for the treatment of kidney disease, ultrafine grinding, drugs active ingredients fully release and mixed Hesheng. And then with the effective penetrant and penetration, topical approach, the effective drug penetration to the site of renal lesions, to achieve the purpose of effective treatment of kidney disease. This innovative therapy, the elimination of the side effects of oral medication, but also to achieve the purpose of drug ingredients enter the effective lesions.
Why is micro-based medicine is the nemesis of the polycystic kidney disease?
Micro-based traditional Chinese medicine to penetrate through the skin directly to the renal lesions. Micronized ingredients of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) on the one hand can control the lining cells are not growth, on the other hand can change its structure. So, what is the lining cells it? Lining cells within the cyst cortex layer of cells, whose main function is to continue to secrete cyst fluid promote cyst increases. Of micro herbs can control to change the cell is not breeding, thus preventing further cysts increases. The same time, micro-based medicine has changed the structure of the lining cells, to bring it back to the absorption of cyst fluid, the naturally narrow purpose of the cyst.
Micronized What are the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine treatment for kidney disease?
A micro-based traditional Chinese medicine active substances can activate residual intrinsic kidney cells to reverse and restore normal cell metabolism. Penetration through the external application of Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine active substances effective direct access to the kidney area, play anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant, and expansion of blood Guanxi and the effectiveness of the degradation of extracellular matrix.
Micro-based traditional Chinese medicine active substances can improve the environment within the damaged kidney to alleviate the symptoms of poisoning, renal repair and reconstruction to create a relaxed environment of TCM active substances into the kidney region, can play a expanding blood Guanximiyou role, and the kidneys to increase the effective blood circulation, improve renal ischemic hypoxia, a smooth blood pressure and promote kidney natural cell function is gradually restored, and will enhance the kidney detoxification ability.
Micro of traditional Chinese medicine has a biphasic immunomodulatory function and metabolism, can control the progress of the disease, in order to lay a good foundation for the repair and reconstruction of the damage inherent in cells of the kidney.
The active substances of micro-based traditional Chinese medicine to improve impaired kidney microcirculation kidney aerobic repair the environment, accelerate the intrinsic cell repair of damage kidneys.
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