
How Can We Treat little Urine Caused by Kidney Problems

I am in renal failure and on dialysis 1 month ago. My urine in 24 hours is only 300 ml. I am afraid I can not stop dialysis. Is there any other alternative therapy or medications? My GFR is 20.
Sir, please don’t worry. You still have hope. Firstly, your urine in 24 hours is not so little, which indicates that there is still blood flow in the kidney and there are also healthy or damaged intrinsic cells in the kidney which can maintain renal function. It is really hope. Secondly, GFR 20 indicates that you are in stage 4 of chronic kidney disease instead of stage 5. Although there are damaged intrinsic cells and even necrotic cells in the kidney, we can use Stem Cell Therapy to regain a healthy kidney. So please come to Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital to gain hope. The therapeutic mechanism is as follows:
Firstly, you need to receive immune clearance, in which, blood dialysis, plasma exchange, blood filtration are applied, which can clear away the immune complex, creatinine, etc, which can create a cleaner and favorable inner environment for the medications.Can Kidney Failure Patient Avoid Dialysis Medicated Bath for Kidney Disease Foot Bath for Kidney Disease
Next, you need to take Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, which is applied every day and each last 45 minutes.Stem Cell Therapy Treats Kidney Disease
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has the following therapeutic effects: it can promote blood circulation, thus improving the intrinsic cells' insufficiency of blood and oxygen. Next, it can dissolve the stasis, so that the burden of the kidney will be not so heavy. In addition, through the above treatment, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can repair the damaged cells, and revive kidney function to some extent not can not recover completely for the damage is severe. In stage 4 of chronic kidney disease, due to insufficiency of blood and oxygen in the kidney or too much immune reaction, there are necrotic cells which caused little urine. How to deal with this?Stem Cell Therapy - PKD Treatment
Then, Stem Cell Therapy will be applied in our hospital to make up. Stem Cell Therapy is an advanced research field which can solve many refractory diseases. It can renew itself, and regenerate, which can supplement Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.Stem Cell Therapy Treats Kidney Disease or Kidney Failure
In a word, the combination of Stem Cell Therapy and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can make a perfect therapy and give you hope. After that, kidney can function well and urine amount can turn normal.Stem Cell Therapy for CKD Stage 5 Patients Acupuncture for Kidney Disease

Since we do not know your condition in detail, we can not say more. You can send us your recent report and describe your condition in detail so that the experts in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital can give you a comprehensive diagnosis for you.

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