
How to Treat Dialysis Rightly

Dialysis is a terrible word that no body want even to mention. It symbolizes the termination of ones kidney functions. However, dialysis is the only possible way for patients with serious kidney disease or the Uremia to expel wastes and other harmful substances in blood. Without dialysis, some patients can even not survive; let alone living a relatively normal life.
In another word, what we really fear about is the fact that we need to depend on dialysis to maintain a just not too bad living.Chinese Medicine Inunction to Treat Kidney Failure Chinese Herbal Medicine Treats Proteinuria for Nephrotic Syndrome
Another problem that makes adopting dialysis become so unpleasant is that many patients find that since they begin dialysis, they gradually become more and more dependent on this method. For example, at the very beginning, once or twice dialysis one month is enough to guarantee the patient a good living, while several months or a few years later, he or she may find that even three times of dialysis a week can not assure him or her a relatively not that bad living . so, they become to blame about dialysis itself.Herbal Medicine and Kidney Disease
These things are common to patients with kidney problems and have started or have been considering the adoption of dialysis.Acupuncture for Kidney Disease
However, the fact is that dialysis should be treated rightly and this due method should also be adopted rightly. Can Kidney Failure Patient Avoid Dialysis How to Treat Kidney Disease Without Transplant Can Kidney Failure Patients Get Better After Dialysis
So, what I mean by saying that? For most patients with kidney problems, dialysis should be treated as an accompanying therapy, and the main focus of treatments should be maximally protecting the remaining renal functional cells as well as maximally repairing and restoring renal functions. As we have already known, renal problem is a progressive loss of renal function, and if only we can block this deteriorating process and maximally repair damaged renal cells can we hope for a recovery of renal functions. While, dialysis only helps kidney with expelling wastes and harmful substances in blood, but can do nothing about the damages to intrinsic renal cells. And the further deterioration of renal function leads to more frequent adoption of dialysis.Hot Compress Therapy for Kidney Disease Medicated Bath for Kidney Disease How Can IgA Nephropathy Patient Avail of Traditional Chinese Medicine

As I have mentioned in the above contexts, dialysis should be adopted as an accompanying therapy. By this I mean that other therapies that focus on preventing the aggravation and the repair of damaged renal cells should be given more priority. And the treatment of Kidney diseases should be one of combination, and these component different therapies should work together to achieve an effect of mutual promotion. For example, dialysis can help with expelling wastes in blood and thus lighten kidney’s burden, as well as prepare the patients with a relatively more favorable physical condition for the adoption of other therapies like Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy . These two later mentioned therapies target at repairing damaged renal cells and help with regenerating new functional renal cells

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